Chapter One

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(A/N: This entire story will be written in Third Person's POV by the way. Just wanted to say that so I didn't have to put up the indicator every time.)

Adam, Nick, Dawn, and Susan, Nick's deathclaw, started hiking through the wasteland, leaving the Greenplace behind. It was an amazing find, and some of them wanted to stay forever, but Adam knew it just wasn't right to leave Cory and Uni to wander off on their own, even if they were strong enough to handle themselves.
Adam kept up the pace, one of his hands gripped around his precious gun, his deagle, and the other holding the backpack full of supplies secure on his shoulders.

Nick groaned slightly as he walked, dragging his feet across the barren land.
"Adam... how are we going to find Cory? What if he went the other way?"
Adam thought about this for a moment and sighed, thinking Nick was right. Maybe they should just turn back and go to their little house in the Greenplace and forget about Cory for good. But he didn't want that. It felt as if a fire was burning in his heart, making it hard to breath. He couldn't describe the feeling, nor had he ever felt it before, but he still loved it, and decided that turning back wasn't an option for him anymore.

"I just have a feeling that he went this way... plus the other way is that old battlefield. There's nothing but blood there. If you want to go back, then go. But I'm not." He kept walking forwards, determined to find Cory.
Nick sighed and kept following Adam, his deathclaw and Dawn trailing him, too, as if they felt like Adam had a map to where their friend and companion was, even if he didn't. The sun started to go down but Adam kept walking, seeming to have lost no energy.
Nick gently tapped Adam's shoulder, causing him to look over at him.

"Uh... there's some abandoned houses over there. Maybe we could scavenge for supplies and rest there for the night?" Nick asked Adam, who sighed. He didn't want to just give up on this search for today. He wanted to keep going. But, from looking at his friends, they desperately needed rest so he nodded and the group started to walk over to the nearby houses, planning to spend the night.

Adam didn't even know how close they were. Not far from the houses was a small, sheltered, and chilly cave. Inside of the cave, was a small camp set up by Cory and Uni, who were resting besides a small fire. Cory leaned his head back against the cave walls and sighed a little, missing his teammates already as well. Uni lifted his head to look at his owner, looking confused.

    "What's wrong Cory?" The dog asked, and Cory just smiled a little.
    "Heh... I just miss the others... I wish they had come along... but they're only memories now..." he sighed, his camera lens closed for a few seconds, before opening halfway again.
    Uni nodded and rested his head on his paws. The two slowly started to fall asleep.

Two Halfs Make A Whole (A Minecraft Fallout Adam x Cory Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now