Chapter 19

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Cory jolted awake from his slumber and groaned, keeping his lens closed. What was he awoken by? Well, the familiar roar of a deathclaw, of course. It was familiar to him thanks to Susan having traveled with them for so long, so he was kind of used to the roars by now, but this one snapped him out of his sleeping state.
"Nick... calm your pet down..." He muttered, hoping the merchant that he had on guard would hear him.
"Cory..? What are you talking about? Susan's fast asleep." The camera man ((literally)) opened his lens and looked over to where his friend was pointing. There lay the sleeping beast, twitching ever so often in her sleep.
"Then what the hell was the noise...?" Cory asked Nick, still trying to wake up fully.
"Dunno, but it's been going on for about an hour now. Adam just left to check it out." Cory bolted into a fully awake mode and stared at Nick with an 'are you out of your mind' look.
"What?" Asked the merchant, looking slightly confused.
"You hear a deathclaw roar and you send Adam out to go take a look by himself?! You're fricking insane! Yeah, sure, he's a good shooter and everything, but I don't think that would end so well unless he had back up." Cory instantly stood up, grabbing a pistol he had set beside him. "When did you send him out again?"
"About three minutes ago?"
"Great... I may be able to catch up with him. I'll be back in a little bit.... hopefully." Cory ran out of their little temporary base's door and looked around, wondering where the ghoul could have gone. He heard another ferocious roar and decided to follow the sound, running off into the wasteland.

After about five minutes of running towards the roars, Cory saw the deathclaw that was causing the ruckus. He stayed out of its line of sight by hiding behind a nearby rock. He looked around, hoping to spot Adam, and lucky found him with one quick glance. The ghoul was stationed behind another boulder closer to the creature itself. He was fumbling around with his desert eagle pistol and trying to reload it seemed. Cory took the chance as the creature looked away before sprinting across the barren land to the other boulder, stopping right next to Adam. Of course, the ghoul looked surprised that his boyfriend had followed him out there.

"Cory?! What are you doing here?!" He asked in a whisper, panicking slightly. Cory rolled his lens and cocked his gun back.
"I'm not going to let you fight that thing on your own, you'll probably get hurt."
"Well I don't want you getting hurt, either."
"Don't care." Cory leaned out from behind the rock and aimed his pistol at the creature's head, hoping to take it down quickly. Of course, once he fired, the creature only got more angry that it had just been shot, and noticed the two try to shoot at it. It roared again as Cory tried to shoot its skull for a second time.

"Damn it! Why is this not working?!" He growled under his breath.
"Deathclaws can take a few shots before they go down." Adam replied and finally got his fragile reloaded, so he joined Cory in on trying to kill the thing. It charged at them, but Adam was able to push himself and Cory out of the way of the large claws of the beast. The two quickly got up and started taking aim again, hoping to get the creature finally weak or down.
The deathclaw, on the other hand, seemed to be taking the bullets quiet well and kept attacking the two. They had to constantly dodge out of the creature's way and then shoot. Bad news was, though, that they were running out of both stamina and bullets.

At one point in the battle, Adam ducked behind a pile of rocks and reloaded as Cory kept shooting, still having rounds yet to be fired. Once the ghoul had his gun locked and loaded once again, he stood up to take aim, just in time to see Cory get hit with a back swipe of the creature's claw, sending him flying to the ground. Adam growled and jumped up on the top of the rubble pile.
"Hey, scaly! If you're gonna mess with Cory, you're gonna have to go through me first!" He called and shot the creature again, after which he dropped his gun. As the creature charged at him, he ripped a survival knife off of his belt and pushed off of the ground, literally flying through the air, as he landed on the deathclaw's head and stabbed the large blade into it's skull. The creature effectively fell over, sending Adam to the ground, which knocked the wind out of him.
He quickly shook off the effects and got up, running over to Cory, who was passed out on the ground. A small trail of blood ran out of the corner of his mouth, causing Adam to gulp. He ran over, grabbed his deagle and knife quickly, and picked Cory up bridal style. He then started running back the way they had come to their little 'base' for now.

Two Halfs Make A Whole (A Minecraft Fallout Adam x Cory Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now