Chapter 17

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(Yaaay I'm finally updating this for once. I'm sorry again for the super slow updates everyone, I'm trying my best.)

Adam stayed near the back of the small group of wanderers, still extremely worried about the one he loved most. He was ok? Is he going to make it out of the cave in one piece? He hoped so; his dog was with him, so he could help fight. The ghoul still couldn't get his mind off of the bad thoughts. The possibilities of Cory getting injured or worse, killed.
They had been walking through the wastelands for a few hours now, but to Adam, it felt like a century. He dragged his feet along the dusty ground, lazily gripping his beloved Deagle in his hand with his finger on the trigger, even if it was empty. His posture was slumped over, with his hat covering his eyes and his head tilted towards the ground.
Of course, it didn't take long for Dawn and Nick to realize how depressed Adam looked. Even Susan seemed to sense his emotions radiating off of his body, just like the radiation that made him that way. After about another thirty minutes of silence and slow walking, Nick decided to finally break the cold air between them, even if it was blazing hot outside.

"Uh.... Adam? You don't look so good, bud. Maybe we should stop?" Nick stopped walking all together, and turned towards his friend, who stood in place as well. He couldn't read the ghoul's emotions, as his eyes were covered. But, he could see a frown plastered on his face, almost looking to be permanent.
"Oh? Is it that obivious?" Came a small hiss from Adam, which surprised Nick slightly. He was trying to be nice, but he just seemed to snap as if nothing could make him feel better. Nick looked over to Dawn, who looked back before floating up to Adam and doing a quick scan.

"What the hell are you doing?" Adam asked, looking at Dawnsworth out of the corner of his eye.
"Scanning you. I can read your emotions that way since you won't show your face." Replied the robot. "You seem to be acting defensive due to excessive worry and depression." Adam finally showed his face and gave Dawn a confused look with his jaw hanging open.
     "Wow, didn't know Dawn could do that." Nick piped up, breaking the slight silence between them all. Susan seemed to growl in agreement to her owner. Adam rolled his eyes and went back to covering his face.
   "You don't know shit." The ghoul muttered before starting to walk again. "Let's get a move on, I want to find the end of that cave." Nick looked at Dawn, shrugged slightly, and followed after Adam.

After a few hours, the sun started to go down. There was no exit to the cave tunnel in sight, and that bugged Adam. But, he forced himself to stay calm and try not to be angry at anything. Instead, he just kept his head down as he slowly started to lose hope.

"Hey, look over there!" Nick called all of a sudden, causing Adam to look up slightly. There was a small mine shaft door leading deep underground, from what the ghoul could make out. He would have rejoiced, but his mind was already set on that he could never see Cory again. He just shrugged and started following the group towards it.
"Hey, look on the bright side, Adam. At least if it isn't connected to the other, we can rest there and search for Cory in the morning." Dawn tried to make the ghoul feel better, but it didn't happen. He just stayed quiet and ignored Dawnsworth. The robot sighed and continued to float towards the opening.

Once they had reached it, Nick and Dawn started talking about something excitedly. Adam just stayed away from them and leaned against the rock poles surrounding the corridor. He tilted his hat down to fully cover his eyes and closed them, trying to maybe get some rest. He kept completely still, except for his chest, which rose and fell as he breathed, and he blocked out all surrounding sounds. That is, until a certain voice pierced through that.

"Guys?!" The voice rang through and Adam's friends started cheering. He even heard barking. He tilted his hat up just in time for a certain camera-faced male to tackle hug him into the dirt. Adam's heart started to feel like it was fluttering as he tightly hugged Cory back, almost crying into his shoulder.
"I thought you were dead!"
"Why would I die? I kind of promised you I would make it out of there." Cory pulled back slightly from the hug and gave Adam a quick peck on the lips. The ghoul blushed softly and grinned, happy to have found his lover.

(Short and crappy chapter, I tried everyone. I'll try to update again today or tomorrow.)

Two Halfs Make A Whole (A Minecraft Fallout Adam x Cory Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now