Chapter Four

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(A/N: sorry these chapters are short!)

(Timeskip to a few days later)

The entire group had continued their journey for a few days now, and everything was ok. No bad run ins, no running out of supplies (even if it almost happened about five times), and no tension like before. Before, most of the tension came from Cory and Adam, who always seemed to be on two separate sides of the arguments. But now, they were acting like best friends again, like they depended on each other.
Speaking of, the two were walking ahead of the others, talking and laughing about the older times that they had, like when they met. Nick smirked and looked at Uni and Dawn as he hopped off the back of Susan (A/N: yes, Nick can ride Susan now. Deal with it.).
"What's with those two?" He whispered to his friends. "They're acting a little bit more... friendly... then usual."
Dawn made an 'I don't know' sound since he couldn't shrug and Uni just looked at Nick.
"What are you getting at? They're just happy to see each other! After all, Adam is our defenses, and he did save us when we first met him." Uni slightly growled and Nick shrugged.
"Dunno. Just thought I would say something, jeez." He said as he hopped back onto the large deathclaw besides them. Uni looked down and his ears went flat, feeling bad that he just basically yelled at Nick.

After a few hours of walking, it started to get dark and Cory stopped in his tracks. Naturally, since he was the leader of the group, the others stopped with him.
"What is it now, Cory?" Uni asked, faking his voice to sounding annoyed.
Cory looked up at the sky. "It's getting dark... we shouldn't be wandering out here when that happens... let's find some shelter or somewhere to camp for the night."
The group nodded and started to look for shelter.

Luck was against all of them at that moment when they realized they had stopped in the middle of nowhere. There was nothing else in sight except for more wasteland, and the stars were starting to appear. Cory sighed and sat on the ground.
"Welp, guess we're staying here tonight then. Unless you guys want to wander in the darkness."
That thought made even Adam gulp nervously. The group decided to camp there for the night. They had just gotten back together, they didn't want to die just yet.

Adam made a fire, almost throwing something in rage about two times due to the fact the fire didn't want to start at first, and Cory and Nick passed out rations of their supplies. After a while, it turned completely night and the only thing that was lighting the world around them was the fire and the faint moonlight. The group started to fall asleep expect for Adam, who stared off into the darkness and occasionally up at the sky.

Cory was about to head to bed himself when he looked over at Adam and frowned slightly. He got up and walked over to the ghoul, who had his face buried into his knees and was looking into the bright flames of the campfire. Cory sat next to him and stared into the flames as well for a few moments before speaking, peircing the awkward silence around them. 
    "Aren't you gonna sleep?"
    Adam shook his head slightly, his voice muffled slightly by his jeans.
    "Nah, I'm not tired. I'll just watch over the camp..."
  Cory looked over at his friend worriedly. "You haven't slept for almost two days, you must be really tired. Something's bothering you, I can tell."

    Adam sighed and looked straight at Cory, his back straightening. There was that fire feeling again, he had started to resent the feeling, but he couldn't seem hate it. It was almost addicting to him.
     "Nothing's bothering me... and I guess you're right, I am pretty tired... heh..."
    "Well then let me watch over the camp tonight." Cory replied, smiling sweetly at the other.
    Adam's eyes widened a little at the sudden feeling in his heart. It was if is someone threw a Molotov cocktail into the fire. His face started to heat up again and he nodded, trying to stay calm. He fell over on the spot and closed his eyes, trying to calm down.
     Before he fell asleep, he had a thought on that feeling. He just noticed it had only sparked around Cory.

   Could it be that he was in love with Cory?

Two Halfs Make A Whole (A Minecraft Fallout Adam x Cory Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now