Chapter Eleven

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(Time skip~)

It had been nearly two weeks since Adam and Cory confessed to each other, and neither of them had told anyone about the fact that they were in a relationship. The rest of the group started to think something was up, though. It seemed after their 'fight' Cory instantly forgave Adam without a second thought. They also talked a lot more, stayed close to each other at all times, and would always go raiding together, instead of Cory going with Uni like before.

    The group had set out again in the morning and started aimlessly walking into the wasteland. They had plenty of supplies so they didn't seem to worry about that. This time, Nick took the lead while Cory stayed next to Adam in the back of the group, like a few times before. The two were talking about something, but no one could hear them because they were walking way slower than the rest. A large gap separated the group from Cory and Adam.

    Uni looked back at the two, wondering what they were talking about. Since the two didn't seem to be paying attention, he hung back and walked closer to them, his ears pricked towards them. He hoped he could get some information on what they were talking about.

   After a few moments, the two quieted down their talking to a whisper and Uni listened.
    "So, are we going to tell them soon?"
    "Maybe... I'm just not sure..."
    "Come on Cory, they're our friends. They won't mind at all."
   Cory sighed at that and nodded slightly. "Fine, we'll tell them tonight."
    "There we go." Adam replied and smiled kindly at Cory. Uni ran ahead to the rest of the group and signaled Nick to get off of his deathclaw with his tail. Nick nodded and jumped off.
    "What is it?" Nick looked down at Uni.
   "I heard Adam and Cory talking about something....  think you'd like to know."
  "I'm pretty curious what those two have been up to, too." Dawn butt in on the conversation and Uni nodded.
    "Well, Adam was trying to convince Cory to tell us something. He said he'll do it tonight."
    Nick looked confused. "What could they what to tell us?" He wondered aloud but kept his voice down.
    "Dunno." Uni said. "Hopefully it's nothing bad."
    Dawn and Nick nodded at that and Nick hopped back into his deathclaw.

After a while of walking, the entire group was hungry, tired, and thirsy. They came across a small area with trees that had no leaves masked the area. Cory felt like they had seen the place before but that couldn't be true, they crossed a water way to get to where they were now.
Anyways, they found a small place that looked like a campsite, but had clearly been abandoned for many years. There was a small fire pit and four logs layed down around the pit. The group decided to rest there for the night. They passed out rations like they did every night and got comfortable. Nick decided he was going to try and sleep on one of the logs, and he kept falling off. He eventually had Susan sleep besides the log so if he would fall in his sleep, he'd fall onto her.

The group sat around the fire pit, which Adam had lit a fire from without any trouble for once. They started talking about what their goals might be in the long run and stories from their pasts, even if they knew them already.

Eventually, Adam got up and
stretched his arms out.
"Well, uh, guys? Me and Cory actually want to tell you all something...." Adam said and Cory stood up besides him smiling nervously.
The others looked at them and watched, waiting to see what they had to say. They had been waiting all day to hear what it was, and they were finally going to find out.

Cory cleared his throat slightly and grabbed Adam's arm. Adam only chuckled at this and blushed slightly. This action made the group confused until Cory finally spoke up.
"M-me and Adam are..." he trailed off, looking nervous.
Adam smiled a little and continued his statement for him. "We're together. So, I hope you guys don't think that's too weird." Adam stated, trying to not look nervous.

The rest of the group was silent for a few moments until Nick clapped slowly. "Wow ok. You could have told us sooner, you know? We knew something was up ever since that night. Cory, you don't forgive people that easily so I kinda guessed something had happened between you two." He said, smirking.
Cory looked at him confused. "Wait... so you guys are ok with that?"
Uni barked happily. "Yeah! Of course we are. I'm, at least, happy for you." He walked to his owner and barked happily again.
Nick had his arms crossed and kept smirking for some odd reason. Dawn was next to him. Even if he was a robot, he seemed happy for the two.

Adam chuckled slightly. "Heh... thanks guys." The group nodded and Cory basically clung to Adam when they sat back down

"Welp, you all can go to sleep, I'll keep watch." Nick said and the group looked at him confused. "What? I'm just trying to help."

Adam's jaw hung open slightly and he shook his head to clear it. "Ok, thanks Nick." Nick only nodded and smirked again. Dawn powered off and Uni curled up next to the fire. Adam and Cory, on the other hand, layed next to one of the logs right next to each other. Adam wrapped his arms around Cory and pulled him close. He kissed the top of Cory's head and started to slowly fall asleep.

(AN: no Nick isn't going to do anything evil. He just ships Adam and Cory a little bit too much I think XD if one of you can guess why he smirked when he said 'something probably happened between you two' then I will be so proud.)

Two Halfs Make A Whole (A Minecraft Fallout Adam x Cory Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now