Chapter 16

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(I'm just gonna start using the numbers instead if writing them out. Also, sorry for my short break on this story, I was working on a few of my other stories and I don't have much ideas for this book yet, but I do have one thanks to a reader.)

(Also, have another timeskip because lazy author is lazy -_- man, I do a lot of timeskips in this story, huh?)

After about a week of staying at the city, Cory decided that Adam was healed up enough for the group to hit the road once again. The group started to hike wasteland after wasteland, hoping that something would lead them to something new and exciting.
Anyways, Cory was leading the group with Uni by his side. Adam stayed near the back of the group, his neck still slightly hurting. Even if the bullet skidded past him, it must have torn some muscle or something, or else it wouldn't hurt as bad as it did. But, of course, like the badass he is, he sucked up the pain and didn't show any signs of weakness, although Cory knew they should've stayed in the city for a little longer.
Adam had stayed mostly silent since they left the city and Cory started to get worried about his lover, wondering why he was so quiet. So, he stopped talking with Uni and waited until the group mostly past him, Uni and Dawn in the lead. Cory walked alongside Adam and the two were silent for a few moments before Cory finally found the words to say.
"What's wrong? You're usually not this quiet..." he said and looked at Adam who glanced away almost shyly.
"Nothing's wrong. I'm fine, Cory. You don't need to be so worried about me.." he smiled weakly at the other but knew it wasn't something Cory would fall for.
"I can see it in your eyes. What's. Wrong." He asked again, this time more sternly.
Adam sighed, knowing that whatever he said, Cory wouldn't fall for it. He was too smart for that. "Ok, fine. I just... have a weird feeling. Like something bad is going to happen... I don't know what, but it's bad."
Cory nodded, already having mulptile scenarios of what it may be running through his brain and what he would go do to solve them.
"Don't worry, we'll be fine. If we've survived this long without dying, then I don't think anything will be able to kill us." Cory said proudly and Adam rolled his eyes slightly.
"Whatever you say... I just can't shake this feeling..." he said the last part as a mutter that Cory didn't hear. He just shrugged and walked back to the front of the group, leaving Adam to his thoughts.

After a few hours of walking, Cory suddenly stopped, causing the already tired group to bump into him.
"What is it now?" Nick asked annoyed. He yawned slightly and slapped himself, trying to stay awake.
Cory pointed in front of him and looked back at Nick, clearly annoyed. A large cave stood in front of them. Old, rotten planks of wood held up some of the loose rocks to prevent them from falling.
"Oh." Nick stated and leaned against his deathclaw, trying not to fall asleep.
"Can't we just go a different way?" Adam asked from the back of the group. He felt something was really off about this random cave, and by looking at it, it clearly wasn't safe.

"I think there's something important here. Plus, it could lead us to a whole new place. I say we give it a try!" Cory placed his hands on his hips proudly and the groups sighed behind him.
He rolled his eyes, blaming on tiredness.
"Well, we can also rest in there for the night. So if it starts raining or something, we have shelter."
Adam had to admit, Cory was right about that. It had been raining in the area earlier and the clouds hadn't moved at all, so it was likely it would rain again.
The group agreed and followed their leader into the dimly lit cave. They all stayed close together; Nick stayed by Susan's side, Uni stayed right next to Cory, and Adam even kept the group in front of him, carrying a torch that was hanging in front of the cave.
Everything seemed fine until the wooden beams started to creak. Adam instantly got nervous but tried to look calm.
Not even a few minutes after the creaking started, they were met with a forked route. Cory told Adam to lead Nick and Susan one way, while he would take Dawn and Uni the other way. He didn't like this idea one bit.
"Cory, this place is about to fall at any minutes now. What if someone gets trapped?"
"We'll be fine, don't you trust me?"
"I do but..." Adam was cut off by the other.
"Well then, trust me and follow my plan." Cory said, trying to sound reassuring, but it came out sternly. Adam sighed and nodded, leading the tired Nick and deathclaw the opposite way that Cory and his group went.

After a few minutes, Adam's group came to a dead end. A part that seemed was caved in. Nick groaned, clearly irritated.
"We came all this way for nothing... great... just perfect.... let's just head back to the others.."
"Someone's tired, I can tell." Adam responded sarcastically and lead the two back. Not even halfway there, they heard a beams shutter again. The only difference was, it was louder this time. Adam started to get restless, hoping the walls weren't going to just fall on them. That's when he heard it.

The distant sound of rocks falling.

Adam's eye twitched slightly. He grabbed Nick's wrist and ran through the cave, dragging him along.
"What's going on?!" Nick asked, panic making his adrenaline kick in.
"I don't know, but that sound can't be good."

When they got to where Cory's group went there was just a wall of rock and Dawnsworth standing and facing the wall, shocked. Adam ran up to the robot.

"What the hell happened?!" He asked, trying to hold back the temptation of punching a hole in the robot.
"I-I don't know! I turned my back for one second and I heard a beam snap... and then when I turned around, this was there!"
"Where Uni and Cory?"
"On the other side, I know that for sure."
Adam started to panic even more at that point. He knew the walls were going to trap someone! He just knew it.
On instinct, he ran up to the wall and started pulling rocks from it until Nick stopped him.
"You're just going to make the cave in worse!"
"Well, what do you want me to do?!? Cory's trapped on the other side!!!" He screamed and Nick and almost regretted the look of hurt in his companion's eyes.
"Nick's right, Adam." Dawn pitched in. "You're only going to make it worse. Also, I know they're ok. I can see their life signals from the other side of the wall."
"Wait, you can do that?" Adam asked, dumbfounded.
"Yeah, but only for short distances." Dawn said, quickly scanning the wall again. "They're ok."
Adam rushed up to the wall. "Cory, if you can hear me, go out that way, we'll find a place to meet up with you. We'll see you in a little bit. Just don't die. I love you."
He could swear he heard a muffled reply from the other side before Nick rushed what was left of the group out of the cave before anymore cave ins happened.

Two Halfs Make A Whole (A Minecraft Fallout Adam x Cory Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now