Chapter Thirteen

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(A/N: thank you to Galaxygirl045 for the suggestions! I'll be writing them in chapters, here's one of them.)

      Cory sighed and looked up at the light blue sky. Not a single cloud was in it but he hated that, the sun beat down on him and his friends, making it almost impossible to go a few feet without water.
     That wasn't the only thing on his mind, it was what happened a few nights ago, too. Sure, he forgave Adam for snapping and almost shooting him, but it still bugged him for some reason. He looked back at the ghoul, who wasn't too far behind. Even thought the whole group seemed sluggish from the heat, he seemed to still be alert. Cory had always admired that about Adam. His bravery.

    Cory guessed he had snapped out of it, snapping back to reality when he heard a familiar deep chuckle.
     "You gonna stare at me all day?" Adam said, chuckling again. Cory's face lit up like a light and he huffed and turned his gaze away from the ghoul.
    Adam smirked and snuck up behind Cory, wrapping his arms around the smaller male's waist, earning a yelp of surprise of him. The two stayed silent for a few seconds and started laughing, walking next to each other and trying to keep up with the rest of the group.

    About an hour later, Uni padded up besides Cory and whimpered slightly.
    "Cory.... I'm hungry... and tired.... can we stop somewhere to rest?" He looked up at his owner hopefully and Cory sighed slightly at his dog's complaining. He finally nodded.
     "Ok, fine, but where is there to stop?"
    Dawn stopped walking (or floating. Idk) and looked around, making small beeping sounds. After a few seconds, he turned to Cory.
   "Well, my sensors are picking up there is a town near here. Hopefully, it's abandoned. It's worth a shot." Cory nodded at Dawn.
   "Lead the way then."

   Almost three hours had passed before they reached the town, and indeed, it looked abandoned. Cory looked at his group.
     "We should search for supplies before we set up camp. Adam, you come with me. Nick, stay with Susan, and Uni, you go with Dawn. Let's meet back up here in thirty minutes." The group nodded at their leader's command and Cory set off with Adam as the other two groups parted ways with each other.

     "You... uh.... hear that?" Adam asked, looking around almost nervously. Cory just chuckled.
   "Hear what? Are you being scared for once?"
   "N-no! I'm just.... heh, I guess I'm paranoid or somethin'..." Adam replied and kept looking around the small, broken down house they had found in the town. Cory went back to searching, too, not really finding anything. He sighed.
    "You found anything yet?" He asked Adam who just shook his head.
    "Not yet... I'm starting to think this place is a bust..."
    "Well, it's better than that hot desert we were walking in."
    "You could say that again, love."
    Cory blushed when Adam called him that. By the time he said that, the ghoul had walked up besides Cory, so he had an opportunity to gently punch him in the arm, causing the other to laugh slightly.
    "What, don't like the nickname?" Adam questioned earning another punch in the arm.
    "Shut it." Came the simple reply. Cory kept looking around the place, eventually giving up. "Let's just go to another house."
    Adam nodded and the two walked out again, heading to the next house. When they got there, Adam backed up and kicked down the door, laughing.
   "Do you have to do that every time?" Cory asked and walked in.
    "Yeah, it makes me feel tough!" Adam replied, putting down his desert eagle pistol and putting his arms up like he was showing off his muscles. Cory couldn't see them, if he had any (and he guessed he did), because of the large hoodie Adam always wore. This caused the male to chuckle.
   "What exactly are you showing me?"
    Adam looked at his arms and dropped them, blushing slightly of embarrassment. "You just can't see them."
    Cory nodded and smirked, starting to look around the small house. He walked into, what he presumed to be, the kitchen. 'It should have the most of the supplies in it.... if there is any...' he thought to himself and started digging around. Just when he thought this town had no supplies in it, he found a stock of food cans and water bottles.
"Adam! Come check this out!"
"What'd ya find?" Came the reply, just as Adam walked into the room, still holding his pistol.
Cory simply pointed to the stash. "Hand me the backpack." Adam nodded at the command and handed Cory the small, but sturdy, backpack, which he filled to the brim with the water and food. After he was finished, he stood up.

"Looks like we're done here! Maybe we should head back to the group?" Adam nodded again and started walking out, taking the backpack for Cory, who followed after him.
"Anything wrong? You seem... more silent all of a sudden."
"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine, Cory. I just have a bad feeling about this place..."
"What'd ya mean? This place just gave us a bunch of supplies! How could it be bad?"
Adam just shrugged and nervously chuckled. He hoped Cory was right. That he was just being paranoid.

After the two got to the meeting spot, they saw the other four waiting for them.
"There you are," Nick spoke up when they walked up, "we thought you did something stupid." Adam laughed.
"Since when have we done something stupid?" He questioned and Nick opened his mouth to reply. Adam said something before he could speak, though. "Don't actually reply to that question." He stated and set the backpack down, sitting next to it. Cory sat next to him and leaned his head on Adam's shoulder, causing him to chuckle slightly.
"What did you get?" Nick asked, curiously. "We didn't find anything."
"We found a whole bunch of supplies!" Cory spoke up, being silent before. "We got enough food and water to last us a few weeks!"
Uni howled happily at that and Nick smiled. "That's great to know we won't die yet." He said good-naturally.
"Yep... sure is." Adam replied, spacing out slightly and staring off into the town streets. Cory looked at him worriedly.
"You ok there?" He asked. He didn't get a reply, but Uni looked in the same direction and growled lowly.

Cory was just about to ask Uni what's wrong when he heard what sounded like a battle cry.


(Mwahah I'm evil >:3)

Two Halfs Make A Whole (A Minecraft Fallout Adam x Cory Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now