Chapter 18

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(Three more chapters to go! I can do this!

Also, yes, I know. I have a lot of transitions that consist of the characters starting to wander again. But, to be fair, that's kind of how the transitions were in the actual series and in the game, you literally wander around sometimes. I'll just do a time skip for you all for this chapter.)

   Clingy. That's what Adam had become after that last incident. He insisted that Cory always stay by his side no matter what. To be honest, Cory didn't mind it that much. He thought it was kind of cute that the once cold-hearted ghoul only wanted for him to be safe from every danger the wasteland had to offer. Of course, he couldn't always protect him from everything, but Adam tried his best.

   They had reached a large city in the middle of the wasteland not even a week later. The entire group was surprised, of course, but what else can you say. Things just stay kind of hidden in the wasteland until you're right next to them.
    This time, surprisingly, Dawnsworth decided that the group should take a small break at the Metropolis-esk city and relax. Adam didn't mind it slightly, though every time he saw the crowded allies of the area, he thought of the time he lost control and almost kissed Cory. Granted, it wouldn't do much right now, but back then it was something.

   Anyways, the group made their way through the trightly packed together shops and kiosks. They only stopped at a few, as Nick wanted them to keep going. He was probably scared someone would steal his bottlecaps, but no one even came close to him. Probably because of the giant deathclaw that stayed by his side all the time, looking for a snack. The only things the group brought were a few cans of food, bottles of water, and some other random objects they could use for their survival. After that, though, the group hit the road again, but not for long. The soon found a broken wooden cottage outside of the city walls.

   "Why not stay here for a little bit?" Uni brought up.
   "To be honest, I agree with the mutt." Adam pitched in. Nick and Dawnsworth nodded, looking at Cory for his approval. He looked at the house with a mostly closed lens, like he was squinting. After a few seconds of silence, he finally spoke.
   "Alright... it looks ok for a temporary base." Nick smiled and ran towards the house, throwing open the door and looking around. The rest of the group followed the merchant inside.

    "Huh,,, this place is kind of nice." Adam commented as they all got settled in.
    "Maybe we should make this a base? Ya know, only for a little bit?" Nick suggested, shrugging. The rest of the group nodded and Cory sighed.
   "As much as I hate staying in one place... sure. We'll stay here for a week or two since it's in decent shape." He said. The group cheered and started to relax, unpacking most of their supplies and putting them up in the small cabinets littering the area.

   After a few hours, as the group finished, the sun started to sink below the horizon and the stars and moon started to come out. Nick had already started a fire and was on the verge of passing out on the hard, wooden floor. No one seemed to mind, though, as Uni curled up in a ball next to Cory's side and was fast asleep. Adam yawned slightly and stared into the flickering flames of their small campfire.

    "If you're tired, you should just sleep." Cory broke the silence between the two. Adam chuckled softly.
    "Nah. I've learned how to forget about being tired and stay awake and alert."
   "Well that's not really good for you."
    "Radioactive waste isn't good for most people, but look at me." Adam laughed again and Cory rolled the camera lens attached to his face.
   "Whatever." He replied as Adam moved closer to him. The ghoul wrapped his arm around Cory's shoulder and made him lean his head on his shoulder. "Thanks for the pillow."
    "No problem." Adam responded, slowly feeling sleep take a grip on him. He shook it off, but couldn't help but doze off here and there.
    "You should really sleep.... I'll take watch tonight."
    "But what if you get tired?"
    "Then I'll wake Nick up and tell him he needs to watch over the camp."
    "Seems fair enough. Alright." Adam yawned and leaned back against a wall, quickly falling asleep. Cory chuckled at him and continued to lean against the ghoul as he watched the flames rise and fall into the air.

(These last chapters are going to be kind of short maybe... sorry)

Two Halfs Make A Whole (A Minecraft Fallout Adam x Cory Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now