Chapter Two

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     Adam woke up in the middle of the night and looked out the window of the small house the group had settled in. He looked up at the crescent shaped moon and sighed, knowing he wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon. He got up off of the floor, looked around at the ground, and silently and gently stepped around his friends, hoping that he wouldn't wake any of them up.

    Eventually, he got outside and took a gulp of fresh air, starting to calm his nerves. He leaned against the side of the building and looked up at the night sky. Many clouds covered some of it, but there were patches here and there that showed the moon and some stars. Adam sat down and smiled slightly at the sky. He wished Cory was here for some reason. He couldn't think of it, but the feeling in his heart came back, the fire. He instantly got up, knowing that maybe him and his friends were closer to Cory and Uni then they had originally thought. He looked at the house and started to walk away from it, not leaving for good, but going to scout the place out.

    He kept looking up, using the moon as a sign of what time it was and how long it was until the sun rose. He would have to make his way back to the small camp before then, or his friends would probably become worried about him.
   He walked faster, not really caring if he couldn't see in the darkness, his heart was almost guiding him somewhere. He just followed his instincts.

    After a few minutes, he came across a small cave opening. He had thought his heart had lead him to the wrong place, but he started to smell something familiar. Smoke and ashes, probably from a campfire. He sighed, hoping it was something good and not raiders or something like that, for he had forgotten his gun at the camp. He started to walk into the cave, keeping his footsteps quiet, or at least trying to. He stopped once he heard shuffling coming from deeper into the cave and gulped nervously.

    In a matter of seconds, a four-legged figure shot out from the darkness and tackled Adam. He started struggling.
    "Get off of me damn it!" He screamed and tried to push off his attacker, until it stopped and sat on his stomach, barking a little bit, happily. He wasn't expecting it to be a dog, nor what it would say next.

     "Adam! You're back!" The dog barked happily, and he instantly knew who it was. He got up as much as he could and hugged the dog, chuckling.
   Uni backed away for a second. "I thought you were a feral ghoul!"
   Adam shook his head. "Nah. When have I ever gone feral?" He chuckled again and Uni nodded.
    "Oh wait!" Uni said and before Adam could ask him what it was, Uni ran off deeper into the pitch black cave. After about two minutes, he heard footsteps approach him and Adam smiled, slightly stepping back into the moonlighted area of the cave so he could see better. The figure walked up in front of him and smiled back, wiping sleep out of his camera lens.

    "Long time, no see, Cory." Adam said, the fire in his heart bursting into a flame as he tried to stay calm.
    "Same to you, too, bud." Cory looked up at the night sky, then back to Adam. All of a sudden, Cory rushed up and hugged the taller male, who chuckled and hugged back tightly.

     After what felt like an eternity, Cory pulled back from the hug.
    "Where are the others?" He asked curiously.
    "Well, you see, we camped out in some houses near here and they're still back there. We left the Greenplace to look for you."
    Cory looked confused for a few seconds. "If you want me to go back, I'm sorry, but I don't want to. As much as I miss you guys, staying in one place just isn't right for me..." Before he could say anything else, Adam spoke in a calm voice, still trying to keep the fire down.
    "We weren't going to ask you about coming back, we wanted to keep traveling with you. It just isn't the same without you two with us." Cory nodded at Adam's request.
   "Well then, I'd like to see the others."

Two Halfs Make A Whole (A Minecraft Fallout Adam x Cory Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now