I'm Twisted Up Inside

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Semi-Automatic//twenty one pilots

I shivered at the feeling of his hand on my neck. It would have been soothing at any other time, but now the feeling shook my very bones. I was cuddling with a monster. The very same breed that killed my mother and father, the same breed that killed my wife.

Eventually, I felt Gerard shift underneath me and my body lift off the ground. My head rested against his shoulder. He brought me upstairs, each step in tune with my heartbeat and making it sound louder. Was he going to kill me? But instead of carting me off to some secret room I hadn't seen yet to murder me, Gerard brought me to my dark, unlit room, wrapped me up in a blanket and left me alone. I curled my legs up to my chest. I felt almost... Used. And I knew that I was. He'd said it himself, before. I was nothing but an asset.

But I didn't care, I just wanted him. I wanted to feel him. I wanted to see him, hear him speak. Hear him breathe. I was so fucked up.

Eventually he came back, set something that sounded ceramic on the nightstand, and sat down on the bed. I opened my eyes. Through the low light I could see it was a mug, probably coffee or something. I sat up. He didn't make a move to touch me. I didn't make a move to touch him. We just sat there in silence for a moment.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I eventually said, cutting through the darkness of the room.

"How do you tell someone you're a vampire, Frank?" Gerard sighed. I remained silent. "I've killed people."

"I know." His hands twitched at that statement and he clasped them together in his lap. He seemed like he was shaking.

"I've manipulated people."

"I know. You manipulated me." I scratched my arm. Gerard nodded slowly. "Are you doing that now?" Gerard turned his head towards me, but not meeting my eyes. Light from somewhere glinted off his eyes and they shone almost like a cat's—yellow, with a vertically slit pupil rather than a circular one. I never knew how I didn't recognize that before.

"Quite frankly, I can't tell anymore." We were silent, and I just looked at Gerard. He was so beautiful. A monster, but beautiful. And quite frankly, I liked him that way. It made me sick. I couldn't resist anymore and I grabbed his hand. Gerard didn't look at me, just squeezed it.

"I love you." I said.

"... Frank... This isn't love."

This one's really short, sorry! Maybe I'll add onto it another time. Idk.

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