I'm Not The Desperate Type

45 4 1

7 Minutes In Heaven (Atavan Halen)//Fall Out Boy

tw//not dd/lb but mentions of Gerard being a little, smut

Maybe he didn't know I was there, at least I didn't think he did, and yeah, maybe that was a little creepy, but I hadn't been staring... long. He might have been embarrassed if that were the case—but he was just standing there, his back to me with his head bent over. I hadn't been able to help staring intently at him as he stood over the desk where I'd left the box of chocolates. It wasn't me waiting for his reaction to the Valentine's Day gift though, even though that had initially been what I hoped to see when I got home today. No, the thing catching my eye was his appearance. His outfit. His hair.

And when I say outfit, I was really staring at... The lack of one. I was almost completely mesmerized by the pale expanse of his back, the way his shoulder blades shifted under the white parchment of his skin as he read the card I'd left over the box of Whitman's. The only thing keeping him from being completely nude was the pair of pink panties, tight against his cute little butt and emphasizing every little curve he had to offer. And yet that still wasn't the most jarring thing to me. I gazed at the back of his head... which was no longer the black veil of hair I was so used to.

His hair was cotton candy, rosy colored, pastel, pink.

I padded along the floor, my footsteps barely making a sound before I slipped the last gift I'd just gone out to get next to the box of chocolates. Gerard looked to my hand with a small "huh?" that I thought was just the cutest thing ever, and I rested my hands on his hips, to which he squeaked.

"Hey..." I pressed my face against the crook of Gerard's neck, nipping at the luscious pale skin. He hummed and dropped the card, turning around in my grip and pressing his body against mine.

"You said we weren't gonna do gifts for Valentine's Day..." he whispered softly, pouting at me. I ran a hand through the new hair, smiling as he closed his eyes and drew his eyebrows together, as if in concern.

"Well, I just couldn't resist spoiling my little prince... And I see you didn't follow that rule either." I twirled a piece of his pink hair around my finger, marveling at how the cherry blossom shade fit him so perfectly, and he shivered, eyes fluttering open again.

"I... My hair? You like it?"

"Fuck yeah," I whispered, taking Gerard's chin in my hands and pressing my lips against his. I reveled in the way he practically turned to jello at that, and the way he gripped my hips as if for balance. He began pushing me towards the chair of the desk, pressing my calves against the leather seat. I sat down, pulling him with me, and he perched on my lap with each leg hanging over the side of the chair. "Why'd you do it, though?"

"I dunno... I'd been thinking about it for a while... And I really like the idea..." Gerard blushed and I pulled back a bit, noting the evasive way he was acting, and how he'd been acting a bit... withdrawn. I worried about him when it came to drastic changes like dying his hair, and the more I thought about it, I realized he'd been shy when he asked about gifts... and his language seemed almost in opposition to how he normally spoke, it being less sophisticated and... childlike?

"You weren't little when you got it dyed, were you?" I asked softly. I really only had to ask because of the signs, clinging to me and being all withdrawn, the color choice in his panties and hair a shade I knew he adored mainly when regressing. I was always a bit nervous about him being alone at home because he could make big decisions like this, and while I normally trusted Gerard to do what he wanted... He tended to make rash decisions when he wasn't in his adult head. Gerard's cheeks flamed more and he shook his head vehemently.

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