Don't Hurt Me

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Blood Infections//frnkiero and the cellabration

tw//physical violence, smut (but both not until after the time shift at the asterisks)

Halloween is not a time I look forward to.

Maybe when I was a kid, yeah, I mean, candy and birthday presents was a fucking amazing combo. How many people even got that? But middle school changed a lot of things. As people lashed outward with insecurity about themselves, I found myself drawing inward, and dreading anything former elementary school friends turned enemies associated with me. Clearly, anything that was related to me was something lesser, something they could use to make fun of me with. And of course, my Halloween birthday was one of those hellish things. So when I cracked open bleary eyes one day in my last year of high school as my mother burst into my room, I did nothing but roll over and groan at the dulcet tones of "happy birthday."

Of course, as much as the day had become one of mourning rather than celebration, I still had to go to school. I climbed on the yellow, metal death trap they called a school bus with dread, the smell of gasoline, what may have been semen, and rotten food hitting my senses pungently as I did so. Ah, the New Jersey public school budget. You couldn't help but love how they valued children's safety, especially on the buses... Where people climbed the seats like apes, flung wet and sticky food at each other, gave blowjobs in the back seats even while the bus was still driving, all without reprimand. I'd gotten the past the point where this would cause me to cringe though, instead I was dreading something else far more.

"Hey, hey, hold up, is that Frank, the precious birthday boy?" I looked up, and I knew getting on the bus had been a mistake today. The people in the back seats tittered and gabbed as Ronnie Radke, the lovely little angel, stood up with his arms hung over the gray seat. Of course it would be him to point me out for everyone to notice.

"Aw, the freak's birthday's on the most fitting day, isn't it? A day where monsters are celebrated, just like you right? Halloween?"

I rolled my eyes and flung myself in a seat two rows ahead of the obnoxious crowd in the back, where I really hoped Radke would just leave it. And contrary to what I suspected, I found that he actually did.

But of course, not without a catch. Even as I put in my earbuds to listen to my admittedly angry and angsty music that pretty much described how I felt towards people like him, I could hear him making fun of me behind my back. That I was such a pushover, I never fought back, I was so utterly weak that I wouldn't even dare. But that was normal, I didn't really care. In fact, the bus ride was almost half way decent... Until that one, dreaded stop. A brick building, one I could never quite remember the address to or pick out of a crowd, due to it blending in with all the other brick buildings in its line of surburbia. It housed one evil little imp in particular that constantly rubbed the wrong nerve with me—Gerard Way.

A little background first—Gerard Way was, quite frankly, an asshole. Maybe not as much as Radke was, but he laughed along with his shitty jokes about me, and he absolutely loved making wisecracks and quips about my sexuality.

Oh, it made my blood boil when I saw his floppy fucking black fringe and cocky smile make its way onto the bus, and towards the back. He was smarter than Radke of course, and he knew how to slight me in the most irritating ways—the sideways glances paired with a smirk of contempt. The little ways he'd brush against my ass or something, and then say he was "oh so sorry." It made me want to punch him in his pretty little face.

I was ready to ignore him of course and just let him sit down next to Radke and all the other pricks in the back, but with a lump of dread settling in my stomach, I looked up to see that Gerard had paused in the lane... Next to my seat.

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