The People Cheered, The Captain Cried

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How It's Going to Be//Gerard Way

I may delete this at some point, but it's an excerpt of the abandoned first draft of my teacher x student au.

I sipped my coffee and watched carefully as my honors students filed into the classroom. I got a little kick out of sorting the kids, by hair color, by name, by skill level.

Currently I was mentally sorting each kid into one of two groups—Frank Iero, and Not Frank Iero. The Not Frank Iero box had seventeen students. The Frank Iero group had none. The bell rang. Once again, for the third time in a row, Frank Iero was tardy.

I'd had these kids for about a week now, and quite frankly it was easy to pick out Frank as a mess. He wore a leather jacket, eyeliner, a lip ring, and black hair, which would normally mean one thing—he was an angsty, emo mess.

But that wasn't the only characteristic about him that I noticed. Quite frankly I wouldn't have cared about that, everyone had that rebellion stage, but Mr. Iero was, to put it lightly, an asshole. He was mouthy, he was unprepared, and he was cocky. Initially it was small things, but in the week I'd grown to know him, he'd graduated from clipped remarks to derogatory remarks towards me under his breath, he was consistently forgetting his textbook (I doubted he even had a copy), his sketchbook was full of poorly drawn phallic objects, and yet he acted like I was a villain for yelling at him for it.

"All right class, get in your seats, today's assignment is for the whole period. If you flip to page seventy in your textbook, there should be a model of a skeleton, I want you to sketch a skeleton in any position you'd like, except the position in your book—" I caught movement in the corner of my eye and turned to the door, where Mr. Iero was currently stood, sheepish and gripping a folder bursting with likely months of unfinished schoolwork.

"Take a seat, Mr. Iero," I said calmly. "Excuse me while I change the absence I marked to tardy... And Patrick next to you can inform you of the assignment. Get to work, kids." I clapped my hands once and rubbed them together as I brushed past Frank, his hand lightly brushing my hip. I narrowed my eyes, glancing back at him, but he looked thoroughly dead inside so I assumed, for once, that he hadn't meant it as anything promiscuous.

The thought of Iero's obnoxious libido left me mind rather quickly though, and so I let my mind focus on something else. My grading was done for now, so I decided to walk around the room and examine the art as the class worked. Many of the positions were rather static, I noticed, which I would probably take off points for, especially with the more gifted art students. They were reproducing, not making art, and I ominously clicked my tongue in disapproval as I passed yet another well-shaded, but uncreative drawing. I would have preferred scribbles to the stock still skeletons on many of the student's pages.

That was, until I got to Frank's artwork. There wasn't one skeleton, but two, each poorly detailed in jagged, scribbly lines. Normally I would have praised him four the extra work... but one was on all fours. And one was on its knees behind it. "Doggy style," as some would say. I cleared my throat.

"Mr. Iero." He looked up, his eyebrows raised, as if asking me to challenge him. Asshole. I lifted his sketchbook, looking at the novice work. Skeletons, screwing each other, there was nothing else they could be. Not only anatomically fucking ridiculous; all you'd be able to hear was the clack of bones without feeling any gratification, but just... tacky. "Stay after class, please."

"Wha—Mr. Way, I have English—"

"I don't care." I peeled the drawing out of the sketchbook, not crumpling or destroying it, just... removing the work. "Start again, this time with something a bit more school appropriate." He just glared up at me as I placed the sketchbook back down in front of him, telling me that I was completely right in what the positions of his work were. He had no case with which to argue. With no spring in my step after having to reprimand Iero again, I approached my desk and slipped the drawing into his file with the rest of his assignments, all of which were Cs at best.

After doing not much else but twiddling my thumbs and considering googling "how to not kill children," I heard the tone of the bell and jumped. Fortunately though, none of my students seemed to notice as they filed out, not even Frank, who stomped over to my desk with a pout on his face.

I looked up, my expression blankly staring back at his own, seething and desperately wanting to intimidate.

"Did you throw out the other thing I drew?" He grumbled, crossing his arms. I raised on eyebrow, but quickly let go of the expression.

"Of course not. I'm not gonna throw out art." I shook my head, stood up, and approached the door to the classroom, pulling it shut. "I do, however, have a problem with you drawing anything involving sex in my classroom, because administration will murder me if they see me permitting students to draw porn." I frowned. "That even includes anatomy sketches, unfortunately."

"Fine then, can I at least have it back?" he grumbled, lowering his head and letting his fringe cover his eyes. How cute.

"You're funny," I laughed, and shook my head. He looked up, eyes flashing.


"Because you wasted my class time. I'll give it back to you at the end of the year as a part of the portfolio I'm having you create, but for now, no." I pushed back my hair, glancing at the drawer where I'd put the drawing and then back at Frank, who looked absolutely pissed. "Lemme see what you've done so far."

Grudgingly, Frank pulled out his sketchbook, flipped to the page, and slapped it down on the table. In harsh, angry black lines was detailed a skeleton with a red tie and an arrow through his skull, jagged lines from the impact shooting out through the expanse of the bone. I fingered my own... red... tie... and swallowed uncomfortably.

"I'm going to assume that this is... some kind of metaphor, I guess..." I sighed, deciding to leave out the obvious implications of the drawing.

"Fine, then gimme a pass to my next class." Frank snapped. I rolled my eyes and scribbled on the sheet of paper, glad to see him burst out of my classroom. Imbecile.

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