We Could Take To The Highway

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Demolition Lovers//My Chemical Romance

(Peterick cuz I'm trash for it tbh. This is actually a separate plotline from a story I'm writing right now...)

Patrick scrambled away from the door, turning his head away from me. I swallowed and placed the sandwich on the floor.

"You don't have to be afraid of me." The words slipped through my lips before I could stop them. Patrick didn't respond, just cowered in the corner of the room, as far as the chain tied to his ankle let him. My lip trembled. I would never, never come to terms with how inhumane that was, how I just let all this happen. I desperately wanted to release him. I could see the fear in his eyes.

"A-afraid?" His voice was a barely audible stutter. I looked up, surprised at hearing it.

"I'm not going to kill you..." I carefully lowered my body to the ground. He was a confined animal, I wasn't scared of him running away, more so of scaring him even more.

"You... You fucking rip... into my neck, like it's made of paper... You listen... to me scream... And I-I shouldn't be afraid." His quiet, terrified chuckle was cynical. I pushed the plate in his direction.

"I don't want you to be here." I whispered. "But don't you see? That's not our fault. People... We need blood to survive. People are afraid of us because we can kill them. The only reason that we kill people is because they're scared of us, when they're scared of us they act violently. This is self defense, Patrick, you're only here because a member of the nest didn't want to kill you. I wish we could live in harmony, but humans would be terrified of losing control." Patrick glanced towards me, his body trembling, his eyes rimmed with tears. I could see the fang marks adorning his neck now, layers upon layers of scars.

"Eat." I whispered. "Please." Patrick turned away from me again. I sighed, about to get up and leave, but in a swiping of fabric and the sound of his skin scrambling against the tile, he was in front of me, devouring the sandwich as if he hadn't eaten in days. ... But then it dawned on me. Had he?

"When was the last time you had food?" He was practically bony now, and the thought settled deep in the pit of my stomach. When he first showed up, he had been slightly chubby, nerdy looking, really quite adorable. Now he was dressed in tatters and misery.

"I... I don't know the days anymore. I think... Sunday?" I swallowed at that. Today was Thursday. Sunday was the last time I fed Patrick.

"They... Am I the only who feeds you?" I brushed my knuckles against his arm and Patrick flinched away. I swallowed. I was still new to this whole "vampire" thing, and Mikey's way of running this best was messed up. "Do... Do you have contact with anyone else? At all?" Patrick shook his head. I took in a deep breath and let it out. This was all... all awful, as a lone, concept, but now I felt sick.

"Look at me." I whispered. Patrick shifted his eyes to mine, and I met his pitifully terrified gaze with my own, fiendish ones. If Patrick could starve for a few days, I could do it for a day. I gazed at his neck, hungrily. I wasn't going to take any, especially not from someone malnourished as him. Not today.

"I... I will fix this." I whispered. Patrick whimpered at that, as if that entailed worst insinuations than just leaving him alone, and that hurt me even more. I picked up the now empty plate and went.

This is seriously a first draft, and if I ever end up publishing that other fic this will probably be deleted, severely edited, or I might just declare it completely not canon. Fun fun!
-Alex 💉

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