There's A Light Inside Of Me

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"I feel like a werewolf or something..." Gerard mumbled as I pulled on the restraints, making sure they were tight. The last time they hadn't been strong enough, well... Let's just say I've never seen more blood in my life, and disposing of a corpse is a lot harder than one would think.

"Oh yeah, why's that?"

"Well... I used to know one..." He looked away, up at the night sky, and then flinched. It was getting close. I caressed his jaw and he leaned into the touch, carefully nuzzling into my palm, in such opposition to his violent nature. "Remember Bert?"

"... Yeah... You dated him, didn't you?" I moved my hands into his hair, scratching his skull and smiling as he lolled his head to the side in pleasure.

"Mm... He was kinda hairy, and once a month I had to tie him up, otherwise he'd get out an' kill a bunch of things... Ngh..." He grimaced and I flinched away as he tried to control the hormones or whatever running through his body.

"I didn't know vamps and werewolves could date." I whispered, trying to maintain the small talk so he could keep his mind off of the change. He took in a few deep breaths as he tried to stabilize himself.

"S'messy... Wolves are cute sometimes, but they're smelly, and sometimes they're scary an' mean... Or maybe that was just Bert." He grinned. "You're much cuter than him... An' much less mean..." Gerard shifted his body within the chains. "F-fuck... Ah... Fangs..." His jaw dropped open as his head was wrenched back, and I tried to not scramble back in fear. The fangs, they looked much longer than usual, which was actually terrifying, despite the fact I knew it was completely normal.

"You said you can take a dose of my blood if you need it, right? You won't hurt me?" I scooted in a little closer, despite what instinct screamed at me.

"N-not during this... Just... It's midsummer night, I don't know if I can control myself..." His head fell. "Can I have one of the blood bags downstairs, though? I-it... It hurts..." He closed his mouth, and his fangs poked out over his bottom lip. I wanted to laugh.

"'Course, cutie." I smiled at Gerard, cupping his face and gently dragging a thumb across his cheek before going. I slipped down the creaky staircase and padded along the tile in the kitchen, carefully creaking open the fridge and pulling out one of the hospital blood bags. Gerard's urge to kill was pretty strong most of the time, and I knew the only reason I wasn't dead was because we used these things to keep his instinct at bay.

I ran my thumb over the smooth plastic of the bag, and a shiver ran down my spine. This really was dangerous. I could die any day. The hospitals we stole blood from could always result in cops being sent after us, and subsequently, a lot of dead police officers thanks to Gerard, which would result in more police on our tails... I could get shot, one of Gerard's enemies could kill me, Gerard himself could succumb to the monster he was and rip my throat out... Fuck, my life was so fragile around him.

I was startled out of my thoughts by the sound of metal scraping against metal and violent hissing. Shit. I threw the blood bag back in the fridge, knowing that it was too late to give it to him now, and I bolted upstairs. A single drop of blood might give him enough strength to break through the chains, and it would entice him to want more. More meaning dead people... Like me.

"Gee baby—" I opened the door and he was violently clawing and gnawing at his bonds. When he saw me he raised his head and let out another violent hiss. The skin around his eyes was dyed red, I knew that was due to the blood he'd consumed in the past few days circulating and making his vision sharper. His yellow eyes with a that slit pupil were gleaming. This was not a human. This was the monster side of him.

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