What's Life Like Bleeding On The Floor?

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Thank You For The Venom//My Chemical Romance


"Let me give you my blood, please, anything Gerard!" I begged, gripping his shoulders harshly. He was looking away, eyes squeezed shut, fangs bared. Dark red blood trickled out of a cut on his cheek bone, and it made my entire being hurt, knowing how his entire body was cut up and bruised while I was practically unscathed from the recent altercation with his daughter. Still, I gripped his shoulders, squeezing the skin and holding the fabric of his coat harshly. "Or turn me, you know how much I hate being weak around you, I wanna help. Maybe I can get blood for you, anything for you Gerard, it hurts—"

"Stop!" He eventually barked, exasperated, and I felt myself suddenly tumbling to the ground as he pushed me off his body. I whimpered as I banged my elbow against the cement and felt the skin scrape, but I didn't care. I just cared about Gerard. I wanted to help him. But he didn't seem to share the same sentiment, as he just stared at me like a deer in headlights, a little boy coddling his bruised elbow. Guilt was written across his features as plainly as drops of blood on a white blouse.

"It... It's not bleeding." I whispered, as I slowly lifted my eyes. I wished it was. Intuition and experience told me he'd take my blood if he just saw a drop, I knew he wouldn't be able to control himself around me, and yet I knew he could stop himself before taking too much from me, because he'd done it before. I picked at the scraped skin.

"I'm... I'm sorry Frank, I-I..." He carefully exhaled. "I'm sorry. Does it hurt?" I shook my head at his soft voice, peeling at the skin, clawing, because maybe if I could just get it to break and bleed he'd do what I wanted him to. He leaned his head against the wall and ran a hand through his stringy black hair. His chest was rising and falling heavily, adrenaline probably still pumping through him from the confrontation earlier. "I-I... I should sleep." He whispered softly. I scooted forward slowly, staring at his weak, crumpled body. He was still dangerous, I knew, but... He certainly didn't look it.

"Gee, that's dangerous, anything could get in this room, hurt you... I can't protect you."

"No, we'll be fine Frank... The only thing after is her, and she's gone... She doesn't want to hurt me, anyway, she wants to hurt you. And I'll be more damned than I already am if I let that happen. And nothing else really cares to fight a half dead vampire." He reach out a hand and I sighed, taking it and letting him pull me into his bruised body.

"Gerard... if you turned me, she wouldn't wanna hurt me, right?" I asked softly. Gerard's eyes darted to mine. "She wants to hurt humans, not vampires, right?"

Gerard said nothing, shook his head, and then carefully lifted my face. I blinked up innocently as he brought our lips together and softly kissed me.

"Let's just go to sleep baby, I'll be better when I wake up..." Gerard murmured. I gripped onto his shirt and sighed, resting my head carefully on his chest and looking around the room. I guessed we were... fairly safe. For now.

The door to the room in this abandoned house's basement was barricaded, Gerard and I had shoved a cabinet in front of it before he collapsed and freaked me the fuck out. Strips of dying evening sunlight filtered into the room through a single, broken window, but it was too small for anyone to climb in or out. No one could really break in here, at least, not easily.

"You know Bandit wants me dead because she cares about you, right?" I whispered, softly tracing little patterns on through his sweat-soaked shirt. Gerard visibly cringed at the sound of her name.

"Her mother... Her mother died centuries ago, and she just found out that I'm still alive... Of course she cares." Gerard sighed. "But she's not... She's not human. She's completely succumbed to the monster inside her. She... She wants to make me like her." He skimmed his fingers over my upper arm. "I still have some of that humanity, and part of that is because of you." Gerard flicked his gaze to meet mine. "I would have given into her already if it weren't for you. That's why she wants you dead. And that's why I won't turn you, because... because I never want to be like that..." Gerard shook his head, looking pained. "I don't wanna lose that humanity again."

I lifted a hand and traced the side of his face gently. It was so strange to think that Gerard, the beautiful person that looked like he was nineteen (despite the fact that he claimed this was how he looked at twenty-seven), was really an ancient, old monster, turned by his own daughter hundreds of years ago... I shivered, and it wasn't from the draft coming from the broken window.

"Do you still love her?" I asked, inching in closer to him. Bandit had, after all, changed him, made him into... this. Gerard swallowed.

"She's my daughter, I..." Gerard sighed shakily. "I can't describe, not in words, the emotion I have whenever I see her." A tear slipped from his eye and he scrunched up his expression again as he tried to control his emotions. I hated how he always felt the need to do that, to be so composed—at least in front of me. The pathetic infant, compared to him, that cried constantly.

"I guess that's why I can't hurt her," Gerard continued, sinking into the wall more. "The hunters though, they'll have no problem with that, and I wish I could just... Just let them k-kill her. But at the same time, I know... I know I would want to rip them apart for even considering touching a hair on her head." Gerard's grip on me clenched. "But then... you. Hunters won't hurt you, not as long as you're human."

I looked up at the man holding me, blinking at him. I'd never really thought about that—I'd always assumed that I'd be on the hunters' hit list, just for being associated with Gerard like this, but... Damn. I guessed, since I was human... I wasn't.

"I'd rather be on a hunter's radar than be unable to protect you." I said, lifting a hand and brushing it over Gerard's cheek. He reached up his own hand to meet mine, holding it against his face.

"I'd rather you live the life of a human, and I'd rather not preserve you like... like some rotting art piece in an old museum. Like me..." Gerard looked down, eyes full of those stupid tears that made me feel so guilty for bringing all this shit up, and I felt my own chest constricting with emotion. Carefully though, Gerard locked eyes with me and slid my hand over his tremulous lips. I grazed a thumb over them, knowing exactly what he wanted, and then pulled down his lower lip a bit as he let go of my hand.

Slowly, I tilted my head up to meet his and softly kissed his pale little lips. He was cold, like an animated corpse such as himself was expected to be, but somehow I loved that. Maybe it was because I loved him. Tears slipped from my own eyes as all this melancholy Gerard seemed to exude overtook me, and eventually I pulled away, sinking down against his body and resting my head against his shoulder. Little whimpers escaped me as my tears stained his black shirt, but he didn't seem to care—Gerard just readjusted his grip on me and let me cry over my own helplessness.

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