When The Snow Comes Down, It's The Only Thing I Want This Year

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Yule Shoot Your Eye Out//Fall Out Boy

"Frank?" I bit my lip as I waited for a response on his end.

"Yeah...? I thought you were hanging out with Lindsey right now?" His voice was muffled and altered by the phone, tinny. My head kind of felt like that.

"Y-yeah, uh... I need to talk to you about that..." My voice cracked. I wrapped my arms around my coat. I was very clearly not with Lindsey now, but out here all alone, cold, just walking.

"Is something wrong?" His voice, a bit uncaring before, was really concerned sounding now, and somehow his tone made me scared.

"I'm fine, I'm okay..." I breathed. I was having trouble speaking without letting my emotions burst out in a viscous, snotty, wordy mess.

"Gerard, you don't sound okay..."

"I promise." I sighed, letting out a warm, foggy breath into the snowflake studded air. Karma soon slammed me for that lie though as I suddenly lost my balance and slipped on some ice. I swore and grabbed the side of the building, trying to regain my balance after hitting the patch.

"Gerard? What was that?" He nervously asked.

"Nothing, nothing, I... I just slipped on some ice." I sighed.

"Ice? You guys are outside right now?"

"She's not..." I mumbled. "I am..."

"What? Gerard... Gerard where are you, I'll come get you."

"But... It's snowing, Frank..." I said.

"Yes, and from the sounds of it, you're outside, you're cold and you don't have anyone with you, now come on Gerard."

"I... I'm a block away from the high school, like two minutes away..." I reluctantly agreed and sucked in my lips as I tried to hold back some emotional expression, be that a sob or a whimper. I heard Frank shuffling on the other end. "Thank you..."

"No problem, it's gonna be fine... What did you do? Did she kick you out?" I shook my head, then remembered he couldn't see that.

"No, no... I left, I ran out..." I sucked in a breath and expelled it, knowing that my emotion was showing through my voice. "It's—" I couldn't finish.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. You're so kind, I've never seen you do anything to hurt anyone. You aren't rude, and even if you fucked up it can't be that bad." Frank earnestly expostulated. "It's not your fault. You're amazing."

"Frank..." I mumbled.

"Look, I'm in the car now, I'm putting you on speaker..." I heard shifting and the sound of a car door closing. "You're not walking anymore right?"

"Uh, yeah, I am..." I said.

"No! Stop! Don't do that, you're gonna slip on ice again!" Frank exclaimed. I almost giggled at his tone.

"Okay, mom..."

"No, seriously! Stop! I'm on my way."

"Fiiine," I whined, though I was actually rather thankful, I didn't want to walk anymore. My feet hurt, I was cold, and I just wanted to curl up into a tight little ball.

"By the high school, right?"

"Yep." I said, glancing back at the torture chamber of my teenage years. The building still stood tall and foreboding, like a prison of education.

"'Kay, I'm coming up on that now..." As he said this I saw two bright lights in the fog ahead of me, and then the car came into view. I waved and jumped up a little so he could see me, and Frank slowed down. I hung up on the phone and waited for the car to pull up. The driver, with a cocky smile, began to roll down the window.

"Need a ride, sug—Fuck that's cold! Need a ride, sugar?" He flashed me a smile. I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck off Iero." At any other time I wouldn't be able to help a smile showing through, but right now as I got in the passenger seat, I felt too negative. Everything was off inside me, shifted in precarious ways and barely balancing. Frank closed the window and cranked up the heat, which I thanked him for and leaned back.

"Fuck, your nose is red. So are your cheeks." Frank reached over and I slapped his hand away. "Wow, okay." Frank laughed. I rolled my eyes. I didn't really feel like anyone touching me, not now. Frank seemed to notice though, and as he turned a corner, he asked.

"What happened?" His voice was a lot softer now. "Did she call you a fag, or like, did you accidentally break something, or..." Frank bit his lip, glancing at me and then back at the road.

"No, none of that, I wouldn't have run out for that, or... At least the first thing..." I clenched my teeth and pressed my palm to my forehead, and then sniffled. "Fuck, I fucked up... I... Remember how I said she wanted to hang out?"

"Mmhm...?" Frank asked.

"Well, I... Fuck... I mean, what I really said was we should set up a date to meet up, cuz I was talking about the day, y'know, December 7, Wednesday..." Frank's grip tightened on the wheel and his knuckles got white. I guessed it was from the poor road conditions, but I still felt uncomfortable with him being tense. Tension fucked everything up. It just fucked up my friendship with Lindsey, I fucking ran out of her house.

"I thought she knew that, y'know, we're just friends, coworkers... But, she went downstairs to get us coffee, and she left me in her room, a-and... Fuck..." Frank turned into our driveway and parked in the garage. I felt as if a weight has been lifted off my chest now that we were no longer on the road, but it didn't feel like much.

"Keep going." He encouraged me as we walked inside through the garage door. I breathed shakily.

"She came back, but I didn't hear her, I was turned away from the door, and then she... She came up behind me and placed her hands on my hips, and when I flipped around, she was..." I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "In her underwear..." Frank closed the door to the garage with a little bit more force than necessary, making me jump a little and look back at him.

"So let me get this straight..." Frank said, an almost... Edge to his voice. "You led her on into thinking it was a date, and she wanted to fuck you? And then you ran out."

"... And then that's when I called you," I said in a whiny huff. "Fuck I'm gonna need to talk to her about this, fuck... I didn't know she liked me like that..."

"Yeah well, I'm not surprised." Frank snapped. I looked over, alarmed.

"What?" I bit my lip, leaning against the table. "Did I do something?"

"No, I just... Never mind, I'm sorry that happened to you." He sighed. We were in the kitchen now, and I leaned over the countertop and propped up my head by my arms.

"Frank..." I sighed. "What did I do?"

"You made Lindsey fall for you, that's what." He grumbled. The fuck?

"Lindsey and I have nothing, I told you it was all a fucking mess up, why does it bother you so much? Do you like her or something? You know I'm gay."

"I don't give a shit about her like that, it bothers me because I fucking like you like that!" Frank suddenly shouted, making me jump up and shrink back. "Shit..."


"Shit shit... I shouldn't have... Fuck." Frank slapped his hand over his mouth, staring at me. "Shit..." Then, as I stood there, my mouth opening and closing, Frank bolted out of the room as if he had to vomit. I looked at my hands.

"I fucking like you like that."

Does anyone actually like these one shots? I know they're kinda shitty, but some opinions would be nice... Not that I want to force you into anything, lmao. Also, the title on this one is a little misleading, sorry, I just couldn't think of another good lyric that related to snow.

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