There Might Be Something Outside Your Window

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Planetary (GO!)//My Chemical Romance

I'm not one for social interaction.

I'm not much for anything involving people I don't know, really.

It's not that I don't like people, it's just that... I have a hard time getting on with a lot of folks? So, of course, when my next door neighbor decided to throw one of his stupid fucking house parties, I put in earbuds and tried to ignore the whole ideal by watching some YouTube videos on murderers and supernatural shit.

Okay, maybe that sounds a little bit fucked up, but trust me—it's better than listening to I Can't Feel My Face by The Weekend for the 7,456th time.

Of course, the party went on far later than I thought it would, ending at 2:00 AM rather than midnight, and I didn't have the balls to tell him to turn the fucking music down. So I just turned up the volume on the random video about some violent psychopath who'd murdered some innocent person... Perhaps not the best decision on my part.

The party eventually died down, like they always did, and here I was, laying down on my mattress, in a dark room... alone. Little flickers of light could be seen from the other house if I peered out the window, be they artificial glows from within the windows of the house, or glow sticks slung every which way over the property. My blinds were closed though, and I felt nothing but the sudden fear that had creeped into my system. See, I like documentaries on murderers, but watching two hours more than you usually do and stopping only an hour before the witching hour... Well, let's say overactive imaginations love wreaking havoc on the senses.

I was paralyzed, knowing that it was dumb to be scared, but I felt as if something was watching me, something behind me. Every little creak or squeak from the house, or any noise from the dying party, it made me jump and then immediately squeeze my eyes shut as surely, surely this apparition or killer watching my back had seen me move, that I really was awake, that I knew they were there. The swift blow that ended my life would be soon, be it a bat, a knife, a shot to the head... Oh god.

And then I heard it.

Three quick, successive knocks, from what sounded like... the front door.


"Peeete," the probably murderer at the door groaned, knocking again. I would have whimpered if I wasn't so frozen. "Pete, get your ass to this door, otherwise I'm coming in. Bob kicked me out of the dorm again."

Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh... Pete?

My train of thought stalled however, and my gut dropped as I heard the noise of the doorknob rattling... And then the creak of the front door.

I left the front door unlocked.

I heard the sound of something large collapse against the floor and I pulled my covers closer to me, shivering as my ears listened to any possible noises from the nearby room. And yet there was nothing. No matter how much I strained my ears, there was no noise. No speaking. It was as if I had dreamed or hallucinated it all. Perhaps I had.

Confident that there at least wasn't a serial killer in my room, I felt myself move a bit, and I climbed out of bed ever so slowly. I cringed every time a slight creak was made, but no supernatural force swept in to murder me, and almost like the man from the tell-tale heart, I crept along the floor whilst making virtually no noise other than what a house could make on its own.

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