I'll Walk In Circles Together With You

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Walking in Circles//Ray Toro

"Bro, she probably gives great kisses. Do you think she gives great kisses? She's so hot. Honestly, like, she could fuck me right now and like I would let her do whatever the fuck she wanted. I hope she's not asexual. Fuck, how tight do you think she'd be to fuck?"

"I—That's fucking gross, Frank!"

"You're right, that was kinda out of line," I sighed and shielded my stare at the cute girl browsing records across the store. Her red hair fell into her face, and she wore this super hot leather jacket, and choker, and combat boots... honestly, she looked like she could kick my ass and I was kinda turned on by that. I tried to force those thoughts out of my mind though, I mean she was a person, not a sexual object.

"More than out of line, perv," Jamia sighed, swinging her legs in the stool next to me. This girl had been here every week for the past few months though, and I had to admit, I was looking forward to Monday afternoons more than ever. We'd never talked though, someone else had always been at the register. But now the boss had changed our schedules, I was no longer working in the back or organizing the records and secretly spying on her in the back like some creep... Now I was staring quite obviously from the counter. See, now Jamia was supposed to be working in the back. Key word being supposed to be... Not actually doing it.

"I mean, she's cute without the whole sex aspect, though," I murmured as I peered at her. The girl didn't seem to notice my gaze though, and she selected another one of the many shiny records in the back with all of the black, edgy looking punk rock records from the 90s. She strutted up to the front to the front, and I clamped my lips shut so that I wouldn't say anything dumb. Jamia seemed to sense that, and fuck, she was grinning now. I really wanted to wipe that smile off of her face somehow. I looked at the register so as not to stare at the girl, or to glare at Jamia, because if I didn't, one or the other was gonna end up happening.

"Um, excuse me?" To my surprise, her voice was actually a little lower than I expected, and I looked up to see several vinyls clutched up to her chest. "Hi, um, just these please."

"Sure thing," I said with a smile, my cheeks beginning to heat up. I took a glance at the vinyl on top of stack before she handed it to me, and the plastic swathed record depicted a young woman whose body was halved star, surrounded by planets and space stuff. "Hey, that's probably my favorite Smashing Pumpkins album. Mellon Collie is like... god tier."

"Yeah, that album's how I got into them, but somehow it's the only Pumpkins vinyl I haven't gotten yet." She looked down at my tattooed hands and smiled a little as I scanned the records. "I used to share gifts with my girlfriend, and I always really wanted this vinyl but I'm convinced she hated it and that's why she wouldn't get it for me..." I smiled and chuckled a little, until I had the realization of...


"Hated? Does she like it now?" I asked, a fake smiled glued to my face so that it wouldn't fall into a grimace. I glanced at Jamia for a moment. She raised her eyebrows, an ambiguous expression, but we knew what it meant. I probably wasn't getting any action any time soon.

"Oh, no, well, I dunno. I haven't spoken to her in like... A while." The girl exhaled. "Broke up a while ago. I came out as..." She paused and didn't continue, glancing up at me almost nervously. "Never mind, uh... Just the vinyls, please." I nodded slowly, opening up a plastic bag. "Oh, um, I can carry them."

I nodded again and put the vinyls down on the counter for her. "Um... That'll be $56.79." I glanced at Jamia, who hadn't said a word this whole time, and she just shrugged a little. I almost rolled my eyes before looking back at the girl, who was rifling through her purse for her wallet. She seemed a little flustered after going on a little long before, but I had caught the words "came out," and being pansexual as fuck, I knew a fair amount about what those two words meant. I felt a little a little sad that she was scared to mention her sexuality or whatever to me.

"B-by the way, I don't mean to pry—" I felt the words come out rather quickly and I knew my cheeks had to be radiating heat by now. "Um, what you said—about coming out. I dunno what you were gonna say, but ah... We accept all orientations and stuff here." I sucked in my lips, shuffling my feet a little, and she raised her head from her purse. "At least in this store. So like, I guess, don't be afraid someone's gonna judge you if you're like... queer." I almost cringed at how straight I sounded with my awkwardness.

Jamia kicked me, probably because of the awkwardness, and I flinched, glancing over at her. The girl's gaze did the same and Jamia rolled her eyes as she was forced to confront the both of us.

"Sorry about him. What he's trying to say is that he's wondering what you identify as and shit, because gets sexually flustered every time you come into the store and he really wants to make a move on you. He also wants to respect you as a person though, and since he's not one of those obnoxiously cocky straight boys, I know he'll never talk to you on his own for fear that you'll crush his skull under your studded combat boots." Jamia looked at me, my eyes bulging and mouth agape. "I'm tired of hearing him talk about that punk chick with the red hair, so if you don't like boys just tell him and he'll fuck off. Or I'll make him. But he'll probably fuck off on his own." Jamia looked at me again with a deadpan, and I tried to convey the fact that kind of wanted to faint. She didn't seem to get that though. When I looked back at the punk girl, she'd gotten terribly red as well, and she was staring at me now as if her girlfriend had cheated and she'd done it with me or something.

"U-uh—" She stuttered.

"I'm so sorry—Jamia that's not—why the fuck—"

"Well you were fucking dying over here—" Jamia snapped.

"It's fine." The girl cut us both off and began rapidly signing the machine you could slide a credit card in, and then slid the piece of plastic she'd found in her purse in it. We were all silent then, waiting for the payment to go through. She ran a hand through her hair and tucked a strand behind her ear. If someone had told me hours had gone by while we were waiting what should've been a few seconds, I wouldn't have been surprised. How do I even apologize for that?

Finally, the machine beeped and it went through. I thrusted the products towards her in embarrassment. The punk chick picked up the vinyls a little less eagerly than I'd given them though—slowly, in fact—and she clutched them to her chest again. I gulped.

"I should have said something—you come in here so often..." I sighed and trailed off, but she shook her head, smiling a little despite her cute blush.

"It's fine," she insisted again, turning away, taking a few steps and pausing.

"Um, by the way though," she looked back at me with big eyes, and I think my heart stopped a little bit, "my name's Gee, not 'that punk chick with the red hair.'"

The sharp intake of breath I had just then almost made me want to cough, and my mouth had once again fallen open as she left the store. But fortunately, the girl didn't look back again.

"Gee," I whispered, looking at Jamia. She was smiling like the fucking Cheshire Cat. What an asshole. "Her name is Gee."

"Yeah, congratulations, your ears work," Jamia snickered. I didn't have it in me to push her or yell at her for embarrassing me like that.

"Her name is Gee," I repeated softly, "that's so adorable."

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