I Wanna Be Loved

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I Wanna Be Free//Panic! At the Disco

"Mr. Way, I like your hair." Frank leaned in closer to me and I blushed profusely, looking away. "I like your skin. I like your lips. I like you." I turned my head and squeezed my eyes shut. I hated how the blood was pumping excitedly in my veins, I hated how my heart sped up when he leaned in, when he touched me...

"Frank, please, this is wrong..." I whispered.

"How?" He placed his hand over my chest, where the inky black mark had manifested months before. I knew he had one too, the same mark, the same spot. I shivered.

"Because... Fuck, I was your teacher. I'm five fucking years older than you, it's wrong, so morally wrong, I feel like a pedophile or something, if we were older maybe it would be different, I don't... know. And if they find out I'm having relations with a student... fuck, they'll fire me Frank."

"I think letting me live with you was bad enough, Mr. Way..."

"Gerard." I snapped. "And you had nowhere to go okay, I wasn't gonna let an numbskull like you out on the streets."

"Mr. Way..." He ignored me. "I was your student, you were my teacher. I'm an adult now, Mr. Way. I can make decisions." Shivers went down my spine. I hated how much I liked it when he called me that over Gerard.

"Yeah, I'm aware. Like failing my class and then at the end of the quarter scraping up enough points for a C..." I grumbled. Frank wasn't an adult and I wanted him to see that, he was eighteen, but he didn't know how to maintain a house, he couldn't even drink.

I felt Frank's hand slip over my cheek and then tilt my face towards his. His eyes were half closed and he was biting his lip. Fuck.

"I graduated though Mr. Way, didn't I? C'mon, aren't you proud of me? No summer classes or anything... I could go to college now, if I wanted." Frank gently rocked his hips against mine. "Can't you reward me?" I closed my eyes and didn't respond. "Oh Mr. Way, don't be like that." His hand slid into my hair, pushing it back, and I suddenly felt his breath on my lips. So tempting. So... fuck

I was cut off in my own thoughts when he pressed his lips to mine. Gently, softly, fuck... He tasted like strawberries, and chocolate. Fragmented thoughts like that were all that could come to mine as I felt myself kissing back, leaning in, carefully slipping a hand up his spine... Fuck.

I let my fingers run up and down his spine as we quietly sat there, doing nothing more than kissing and being. Warm feelings bloomed in my chest at the simplicity. Kissing was always a prerequisite to more, and I normally I would be nervous, but I just... I wasn't. I never thought I would get contentment or relaxation out of a kiss, but fuck, Frank. Neither of us really wanted to pull away.

"You're a good kisser..." Frank eventually mumbled against my lips, his words lazily formed and hard to comprehend, but I understood and I nodded. I wanted to tell him that he was too, because this was one of the best kisses I'd ever had, but I was too engrossed in him. I wanted more, I needed more, and I didn't want to waste time talking when we could just kiss, so soft and perfect like this.

Eventually it did end though, and felt him pull away, hand slipping away from my cheek.

"I didn't think you really wanted it that much." Frank whispered, our eyes locked. Not staring at each other's lips, but where it really mattered. Behind a person's eyes is their soul. And as amazing as that kiss was... As much as I wanted to deny it sometimes, Frank's soul was breathtaking.

"I want all of you." I whispered, gently splaying my fingers over the skin on his back. "I feel so bad when I say that... I feel so guilty... Fuck..."

"But you waited for me." Frank said, carefully brushing my hair behind my ear. "I made those nasty sexual comments to you in class, I always tried to tempt you, and I could see when you got an erection and stuff around me... which was a lot." I blushed.

"That was just what a good person does. Even this feels... Like it shouldn't be happening..." I swallowed. "I'm so scared I'm gonna hurt you. You should be with someone younger than me, or... something..." I slowed down as he leaned in again, pressing our foreheads together and lazily draping an arm behind me.

"Hm... Someone a little older than me with a fucking soulmate mark, a beautiful mind, and body... or a some young sleazy high schooler with HIV or something."

"You could attract more than some sleazy high schooler with HIV."

"I know. I attracted you." His lips got closer to mine, and I just closed my eyes before sealing the gap again.

"Never seen you this eager..." He remarked after a while.

"... Graduation present?" I mumbled. He smiled.

"I don't think you've ever given me anything better."

"Not even the A on that last test of the quarter? Boosted your grade a lot..."

"Not even this roof over my head, Mr. Way."

Short and sweet, but totally unedited and aimless... I really need to plan these out.

By the way, did you know being a salesperson is fucking terrifying? I had to sell advertisements to businesses today and some people can be really nasty to salespeople... Just remember to be nice guys, chances are the guy pissing off doesn't have a choice in doing so...

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