Wandering In Death's Despair

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Desert Rose//Mediæval Bæbes

tw//drug mention

This is... A weird one. Some Alice in Wonderland shit in here. With the purposeful shifts and inconsistencies. Don't know where my mind was. Tell me if you like it. By the way, you should probably listen to the song, or at least part of it to understand this one shot...

Pain. Pain and darkness and dark thoughts. Nightmares. Hallucinations. I didn't know there could be a difference between the last two in a coma, but apparently there was.

I was wrapped up in a black sheet, tossed underwater, drowning in lack of sensation. I needed to feel something, but at the moment, there was nothing. So my mind made up its own stimulus.

When the sky is black, and the moon is full and round
Then you'll hear her cry, and hear her soul abound

As the song I could barely recall hearing filled my head, I suddenly felt myself wrenched out of the black water by some unknown force and thrown upon the hard ground, particles of sand sticking to the blanket. The sound of heavy drums beating in the background, akin to the sound of a human heart, gave me a clue as to what sort of ritual might have been going on around me. I wanted to move, but I couldn't. I was so trapped. So desperate. So helpless.

You can run away with me, anytime you want...

A melody, a single voice pierced through the sound of the drums and my breath caught in my throat. My heart seemed to slow. One of the black bandages entrapping my face was suddenly ripped off. I turned my head away, expecting to see something awful, but then... I cracked my eyes open. It was... Gerard.

The pounding, terrifying music faded for a moment, and I felt calmed as I watched Gerard's face. He was hovering over me, singing, one hand in the sand propping himself up, the other on my cheek. I desperately tried to move around in my bonds, free myself to touch him, but they weren't forgiving. I couldn't move my limbs.

As I moved my lips to say something, a sudden terrible grimace fell over Gerard's face. His back arched and then, as his music started to fade and morph into a cry of pain, he flickered and faded. The black, starless sky took his place, and I suddenly felt the ground beneath me give. I was falling. The music surged again.

Desert Rose, she'll come to thee,
Sweeter than the honey bee
Lips so red you'll want to taste
The deadly itch, the old embrace

I felt so much fucking terror. I could see monsters leering over me in the depths of the this blackness, men with not entirely present faces, women, screaming.

I screamed, too.

"You're the monster." I suddenly felt a blow in my side, a kick, and my body rolled down the pavement conjured from the blackness around me. The previously suffocating wrapping and bandages around me rolled away from me too, as if I were a spool of ribbon.

"So my boy, why are you screaming?" My body stopped in front of my father, looking down at my crumpled body. Fear surged through my veins as I expected a blow, something, anything. "Answer me, boy."

I tried to say something, but my mouth wouldn't budge.

Desert Rose, she'll steal your heart
Make mockery of every part
Till your bones are bleached and bare
And wandering in death's despair

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