Chris Motionless "Love Is Just. A Word"

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You where at warped tour to see your boyfriend Chris perform in his band Motionless In White.  Everybody was cheering except some girl that wanted to hurt chris. She was screaming "FAGGOT" "UGLY BITCH"

Chris has always been insecure about himself. You got Angry as the bitch threw the a box at his head. It hit him in the head and knocked him out. You rushed to the stage to see if he was ok.

He wasn't waking up. You ran to the bitch that knocked him out and punched her to the ground. You where hurting her so bad that the security had to pull you back. You ran back up to Chris with a broken nose. Your cheek and nose where bleeding but you didn't care.

You took Chris to the hospital. He woke up and said "y/n a-are you ok your bleeding." "I don't care I'm so happy you woke up" he smiled and kissed you. The doctors gave you stitches and told you to be more careful.

"I'll do anything for you Chris even if it means risking my life." You say crying. "No don't risk your life for me unless I am too. If you do it for me and you die I die inside." He said a tear running down his cheek.

The doctor walked in the room and he says "y/n you could have died you have a very bad skull fracture." You start to cry as they prep you for surgery. Chris smiles when they roll you out. "You'll make it y/n I love you" you start to cry as you got the general anesthesia.

You remember you heard your flatline. You saw yourself and in your thoughts you said "at least Chris is still alive, I did good I saved a man." Before you flatlined Chris rushed in and watched you flatline. You heard him cry as you past away.

You where in a better place now. Love is just a word.

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