Dean Winchester "I Have Been Hunting For You"

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Hey guys! I know this isn't a band imagine but if you guys watch the TV show Supernatural then you will know who this is. Hope you will enjoy.

You're alone in the woods. You hated the woods but you got lost. Your brother told you to wait there. But its been an hour and he hasn't come back. You walk deeper into the woods as you see a shadow figure. It was tall, very very tall. You start to run the other direction as you see the shadow moving too. You run, and your foot gets caught in a trap. Some sort of animal catching trap. You see this handsome guy approach you. Obviously hearing your screams in pain. "damn it i though someone was screaming about the damn ghost!." he says groaning.

"well, that too I guess. I saw a shadow figure, it was very tall and long and it seemed like it was following me. When i ran it ran. When I moved it moved." you say. He unlocks the trap setting you free. "well my name is Dean. Dean Winchester." you smile "I'm y/n" beautiful name y/n" he says smiling.

You smirk standing up. "God damn you y/n" he grabs your waist and pulls you In for a long romantic kiss. Sam walks over "damn dean getting some action I see" he says laughing. "Oh shut up Sammy, at least I'm getting some action."

You smile at the two brothers, classic arguing. He kisses you again. You remember that Sam is watching. "Hurry the hell up dean!" Dean pulls away and puts your number in his phone. "See you later." You smile.

Dean walks away smiling.

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