Jake Pitts ''Play Along''

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"Okay play your guitar to the song" jake says calmly. You picked up your guitar and put on In The End by Black Veil Brides. He smiled recognizing that's his band your playing..

You play the guitar to the end of the song not noticing that people where gathering around you. *claps* is all you hear at the end of your playing. Jake has secretly been crushing on you for a while now, ever since you came for guitar lessons.

You walked outside at 8:00 PM heading to your car. You heard footsteps behind you as you turned around to be relived it was Jake and not a pervert. "Hey." "Hi" you say calmly.

"Y/N..... Can I tell you something and you won't judge?" He asks nervously. "Of course." You say smiling. "I-I've been crushing on you ever since you came for lessons....." You smiled.

"So, you've had a crush on me for two years?" He smirked and nodded his head. "I have too Jake." He came towards you, grabbed your waist, and kissed you.

You kissed pack as it started heating up. "Jake...." You say as he pulled away. "Jake you know we can't do this right. You haven't even asked me out yet." You smiled. And he smiled. "Okay, we will go slow." You smiled and kissed him again. You guys got in your car.

He drove you to Olive Garden and the waiter brought our drinks. "Jake! Are you that
addicted to coco cola?!" "yeah." He said laughing.  You ordered classic spaghetti while he added to it and just told them to make it a sharing size.

He ate some of the noodles while you watched him peacefully. "Take a picture, it'll last longer" he said smirking. You zoned back and blushed. "Sorry... Haha" you said. You ate some too and payed your bill. You guys where walking back to your car as he stopped you.

"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend" you smiled and said "yes" but then he said "No Regrets?" You copied and replied "no regrets." You got in your car as you dropped him of and you went home. You fell asleep as soon as you arrived.

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