Marilyn Manson "Goth Moth"

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"Baby?" He called out. "Yes hun?" You replied. "Can you help me put in the contacts?" "Of course" you said. You washed your hands and grabbed the extremely thin plastic. Opened his eye and put it in. "You ready for your concert babe?" You asked. "

"Nervous like always, but yes." He smiled. "Go rock then babe." You said being an encouragement. He walked out and the crowd cheered. You smiled and walked away. He started singing and the crowd cheered again.

After about 3 songs he called out your name. "BABE COME HERE!" You walked out on stage. He winked at the crowd in which you noticed. He automatically got down on one knee. "Y/N, I love you so much. And trust me, I know I'm not the most attractive person on the earth.  But you, you where the only person that liked me, that appreciated me. You where the most popular girl. But you loved me."

You stopped him. "That's enough, I love you, I fucking love you. And you are attractive. Yes. Now kiss me." He got up and kissed you.. The crowd cheered and yelled. He put the huge diamond ring on your finger. You looked at it and admired it. He whispered to you and you left the stage. He continued the next song on his album.

You started to cry you were so happy. You best friend was there and came up to you. "Do you like that huge diamond?" She asked "Of course." You replied in an instant.  You guys walked of stage and got some popcorn at the station. After you guys payed for the popcorn you sat down watching Marylin sing.

You guys sat down and she started talking again. " I thought you were going to marry Jason. The popular dude. I didn't know you were going to Marry  him." "Oh shut up. Jason was a douche, don't even start. And Marilyn he didn't love me for my looks. He loved me for who I am. He ignored my bitchyness an loved me. My family doesn't appreciate home but they don't know him. He's the love of my life."

He  walked off the stage after the show. And kissed you. You guys hugged. "Thank you....." he said. "Why?" You replied curios. "For loving me, nobody loved me. Until you came around. This gorgeous girl." He said. "Your welcome.." you replied. "I love you....."  

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