Jaime Preciado "Road Trip Terror"

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You and Jaime were heading back to San Diego California after being in Vegas. For holiday havoc. Quite a drive. You got in the car and sat down. Grabbing the aux cord and blasting some Pierce the Veil. He came in and said "Turn it down" laughing. "Sorry......." you said. "Well, what's your favorite song on the album.?" He asked. "Hmm. Either Circles ,Dive In or Floral and Fading." You replied not able to choose.

"Hmmmm nice selection." You guys got on the rode.

--About Two Hours In--

"STOP" you said. "Huh?" He replied. "STOP THERES A CAR!" Jaime looked up and his eyes widened. "COVER YOUR HEAD!" He screamed. He slammed the breaks and by that time the car had already crashed. There was a huge semi. Your car flipped while the semi caught on fire.

"Jaime? A-Are you okay......." you asked. There was no response. "JAIME!" Once again no response. This car behind you pulled to the side to help. "Stay calm. I'm a doctor stay calm........" this man said. "Check on my boyfriend please. His name is J-Jaime. Jaime Preciado.

"Okay. Check his pulse....." you reached over to his neck and pressed down. "O-Okay.....I feel it. It's very small though. Barely anything." You said. The doctor looked at you. "Is he having struggles breathing?" He said.

"Y-Yes struggling sound and squeaks......" you said crying. "Okay that's not good umm." Can you get out. You tried but then a pain struck your rib. "AH." You screamed. "Are you okay!?" He asked you. "My rib." He looked. "Mam, there is a shard of glass lodged inbetween both ribs located almost directly at the heart at an angle." You struggled. An ambulance and fire trucks came along.

"Make s-Sure Jaimes o-okay..........................." you said before you fainted. You woke up later in a patient bed and rope and bandages rapped around your chest. You couldn't move. A doctor walked in and told you the information.

"Hello mam. You most likely don't remember what happened to you and Jaime. Well, that shard of glass shifted when you moved and ruptured your Aorta. Making you faint. Your going to have to recover here for about two weeks to make sure your heart is stable." The doctor said. You barely paid attention.

"Jaime?" You said. The doctor looked at you. "Jaimes okay. He had some complications resuscitating him but he is okay. He had to undergo a craniotomy. But he is okay." You smiled. "Can I see him?" The doctor went and got a wheelchair.

You got in and you got to see Jaime. He woke up. "Babe?" He said. You smiled you got in his patient bed and he doctor left and shut the door. "Your okay. You died in front of me." You said crying.

"Next time, don't distract me with your hotness while talking about my songs." You giggled. "I love you." You said. You guys cuddled as your fell asleep.

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