Chapter 7

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Sitting down on the bench I took out my phone and just took pictures of what the guys were going. Harry noticed and walked up to me and made funny faces at the camera.

"Hey Hope." Harry laughed and sat down next to me.

"Hey Harry." I replied moving over a bit.

"I'm your right fielder so if you need help. Pass it to me okay." Harry smiled at me. My heart melted.

"Okay. Um I'm gonna go out onto the pitch to practice." I said standing up grabbing the football that Josh got me.

"Want me to go with?" Harry asked with hope in his voice.

I nodded my head and we walked out of the locker room and towards the pitch brought back memories of the orphanage.

~Flashback to 2014~

"Now get to your room and don't come out until I come and get you!!" Mrs. Hill screamed at me.

I ran up to my room and stopped at the door frame.

"It is not my fault they didn't like me! Its your fault for not calling me by my real name!!" I screamed back at her slamming the door behind me. I ran over to my bed and cried into my pillow. I took out my phone and went onto YouTube. A video was recommend for me to watch. It was this guy names VikkStar123. I watched a few of his football videos and they were so funny. I clicked subscribe and continued watching all his videos.

~End of flashback~

"You ready?" Harry asked taking the ball outta my hands and kicking it onto the pitch.

"You bet!" I snapped back to reality and started running for the ball.

We passed it back and forth until we got close to the goal. I went to kick it and I just made it in top right corner.

"Have you ever played before?" Harry asked running towards me arms open.

"No." I said shaking my head as Harry picked me up and spun me around. After a few seconds he stopped and put me down.

"Sorry." He apologized blushing from embarrassment.

"Is alright." I said.

He hugged me for no reason and I nuzzled into him (like how JJ and Simon were in Vikks duck tape escape challenge video). I looked up at him and he looked down at me his eyes were such a pretty blue. It was like looking at the sky and the ocean at the same time.

He was about to do something when he heard the guys laughing coming onto the pitch. He let go and ran for the football. Weird.

"Josh!" I screamed for him once. He didn't answer.

"Josh!" I screamed again. Still no answer.

"Daddy Zerk!" I screamed and finally got his attention.

"What?" He screamed back.

"Watch this." I screamed as Harry threw me the ball. I wasn't able to stop it from going past me so I chased after it. As I dribbled it towards goal I went for the shot. Harry tried to stop it but failed as I made my second goal. I did my "famous" goal dance, dab then double dab then dab again. As I turned to see his reaction, him and everyone else were very surprised. 

"OHHHHHH!" All the guys on the Sidemen team screamed as the started running towards me. I ran towards the goal to try and escape but to no avail. I got tackled by all of them. This hurts. A lot.

~Time Skip to the final 3 minutes of the match~

Simon started dribbling the ball up pitch, he passes it up to Harry who then passes it back to Simon. They tea party it (only pass the ball to each other) until they got close to goal. Nobody was covering or paying attention to me so I got to a place where I knew I could make a goal. I wave my hands trying to get Simon or Harry's attention, but no avail.

Harry slipped up and the ball went past Simon and Mitch (TheBajanCanadian) got the ball. I ran over and stole it from him. Running towards the goal there was 15 seconds left. The whole stadium was going wild. Everyone was screaming for me to take the shot or for Mitch to tackle me. I dribbled once, twice, three times. In that moment everything froze. The stadium went quiet. Everyone stopped moving. It was just me and Callux. I went for the shot and the stadium went wild.

Word Count: 751

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