Chapter 6

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The next day I woke up on my own round 8. Harry and Josh were talking about something but I couldn't hear then. When they noticed I was waking up they stopped talking. I was about to remove the blanket from my legs when I realized that I had taken my shorts off during the night and I was just wearing my underwear and Sidemen Sweatshirt.

"Everything okay?" Harry asked as I was looking around for my shorts.

"Umm yeah, just can't find my pants." I pushed my brown hair behind my ear.

"Here." Josh said throwing a bag at me. It hurt a bit.

"Owe what's in there, football shoes?" (I don't know the English name for them but in America there called cleats and I didn't want to get anyone annoyed) I jokingly said looking inside the bag. It actually was. I looked up at the two of them with a confused face (like how Simon looked at Ethan in his lie detector test video when Ethan said "my willy")

"You have ten minutes before we leave." Josh said as him and Harry left the room.

I quickly changed and grabbed my phone along with my glasses.

"Okay I'm ready." I said shutting the hotel door behind me.

~Time ship to Saint Mary's Stadium~

I opened my phone and started recording myself, "Hello guys, my name is Neo and today I am with the Sidemen and we are all off to Saint Mary's Stadium for the football math. Josh? Why have I got a uniform on?" I turned the camera around to face it to Josh.

"You will find out soon little lady." Josh said looking at the camera.

I turned it off and then back on again for selfie taking. Harry noticed I was taking selfies so he moved into some of them. I turned to look at him and our faces were very close together. I was still taking pictures without noticing. We then arrived at Saint Mary's within that minute.

We all got out of the cab and I started vloging again.

"Okay guys so we've arrived at Saint Mary's Stadium and oh my god, I still can't get over the fact that any of this is actually happening. Like-" I stopped talking and started crying. But I stopped myself, "Like I am just so happy and greatful that I am able to do any of this. And it wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for Josh. Josh if you ever see this-" I stopped again and started crying, "thank you so much. I cannot explain how much you have changed my life in just a few days." I stopped recording and put my phone in my shorts pocket wiping away the tears.

I ran up to the guys and we all walked into the Stadium. I held back the tears that were trying to make there way out of me but I fought the urge.

"So Josh, now can you tell me why I have this on?" I asked once again as we made our way into the dressing room thingy.

"You are going to be playing center for the Sidemen team." Simon said placing a bag onto the bench, sitting next to it.

"No I'm not." I said smiling.

"Yes you are, that's why your shirts front is like ours and on the back the name is Neon and your number is 18 because this is your birthday present from all of us." Vikk said sitting down on another bench fixing his socks.

Word Count: 591

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