Chapter 17

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I spent the rest of the day at Callums flat, Lux came home around 5PM with food.

"I'll have Simon come pick me up." I said taking out my phone to text Simon when I noticed I had gotten a text from Josh, I'll read it later.

"No no, stay. I bought dinner as a welcoming gift." Lux said smiling taking plates out.

"Okay." I shyly answered taking forks out.

Dinner was nice, Lux got Chinese food which is my favorite. When dinner was all finished it was 7PM.

"I should really call Josh or someone to cone pick me up." I insisted taking my phone out seeing the text from Josh, I was about to read it when Callum started talking.

"He didn't tell you?" Callum asked.

"Tell me what?" I gave Callum confused look.

"He had to last minute get a flight to Turkey, something happened to Freya and she needed him there." Callum said taking out his phone and showing me the messages Josh had sent him. I looked down at my phone and opened the message.

Josh- Hope honey, I'm sorry its such short notice and you've just got out of hospital but something's happened to Freya and you weren't home, and that's okay, so I just got the next flight to Turkey so I'm sorry I just up and left. Call Vikk and he'll come and pick you up, okay? I love you Hope. I'll let you know what's up with Freya the second I find out what's happening.

I called Vikk and he came to pick me up.

"Thanks again guys." I smiled hugging Lux then Callum.

"Come over whenever you want." Callum whispered into my ear. I smiled and got into Vikks car.

"Hey." I greeted Vikk buckling my seat belt as he started driving out of the parking lot.

"Hey Pea." Vikk nicknamed me.

"Pea?" I asked laughing.

"Yeah, like your my small Pea. As a sister. It would be weird if I mentioned it any other way. And now I'm just talking for no reason." Vikk started laughing.

"Pea." I said looking out the car window.

Once we arrived home everyone else was gone which I though was a bit weird.

"Where is everyone?" I asked getting out of the car.

"Drinking." Vikk responded closing the garage door.

I looked through my Instagram DMs and I saw one from a fan account that someone made for me. It was a vine edit.

If you wanna see the Vine edit made by Ok Ava click on the link:

I stopped in my tracks and Vikk noticed when the door hit my face and I didn't even flinch. He rushed over and made sure I was okay.

He brought me to his room, which is right next to the garage, and sat me down on his bed.

"Hope?" Vikk asked.

"Hope?!" Vikk asked louder.

I started mumbling random words to myself and the video kept playing on a loop. I started to tear up, Vikk comforted me until I calmed down and was able to speak.

I first showed him the video and then he looked up at me with confusion.

"This is a nice and sweet edit Hope, what's so bad about it?" Vikk asked locking my phone and putting it down on the bed.

"You all were my hero's once, and still are but one day..." I started mumbling again.

"Hope it's okay." Vikk comforted me again and I continued.

"One day you all will be gone, from YouTube. And all the little boys and girls out there will all be destroyed. And I would have been one of them." I said hugging Vikk back.

"It's okay Hope. Were not going anywhere. I promise." Vikk said kissing me on the forehead.

I went upstairs into my room and plugged my phone in so it could charge. I fell asleep and was then awoken at around 2AM by 4 drunk men coming home. I was only in my underwear and a t-shirt and I was to tired to find some pants. I ran downstairs into the kitchen and saw Simon, Tobi, JJ, and a man who I never though I'd see again.

Word Count: 705

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