Chapter 12

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"Move to the left a little," Josh said as I took a step to the left "no my left." I moved again starting to laugh. I looked up at him and smiled.

"How's this?" I asked pushing my hair to the side.

"Beautiful." Josh took the picture.

Some little kids, between 6 and 10, were playing with a football and they kicked it at me, accidentally. I bent over and picked it up, as I looked at the boys I startedd walking towards them.

"Here you go." I smiled crouching down to the smallest boy.

"Are you Neo?" One of the boys asked walking up to me.

"Yes I am." I smiled standing up.

"Guys! Its her!" The boy yelled to his friends. About six boys came running over to me. They all started talking at once.

"Okay hold on. One at a time." I tried to keep them all calm. I turned around to look at Josh and he was setting up his camera so he could take pictures of me and the boys.

Josh took pictures of me and the boys as a group, then separately. I couldn't find the little boy so I looked around for him.

"Where is the little boy?" I asked the oldest boy, Henry.

"Nick!" Henry shouted. The small boy came running toward Henry.

"She would like to talk to you." Henry pointed at me.

"Hello Nick, how are you sweetheart?" I asked crouching down to his height.

"I'm good Mrs. N." Nick quietly respond.

"May I take a picture with you?" I asked looking over at Josh.

"Yes." He responded smiling. We took a few pictures and I singed a few things for them and Josh and I started to pack our stuff up when I heard someone running being me. I turned around and saw it was Nick. I crouched down and he hugged me. I was shocked at first but then I hugged him back.

Walking away from Nick was heart breaking. A boy as sweet as him is hard to say goodbye to.

Word Count: 344

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