Chapter 10

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Once Simon and I finished recording both our videos I gathered all my stuff and went to go edit in my room.

After three hours of just cutting down the game play into a 20 minute video, I took the camera footage and started to cut away the bits that I didn't need, when there was a knock at my door.

Man I need to get a sign or something like that for my door. I hate it when I'm bothered recording and now that I can actually edit instead of just uploading raw unedited stuff I didn't want to be bothered while editing.

"Yes?" I asked cutting more bits outta the camera footage.

"Can I come in?" Josh asked.

"Yeah." I replied stopping what I was doing and turning towards the door.

"Oh, your buys. Sorry." Josh apologized starting to close the door.

"No no, its okay. I'm just trying to edit some footage I recorded with Simon. Well trying to at least." I chuckled a bit.

"Well all the guys are going out for drinks, do you care being left by yourself? I can stay if you'd like me to." Josh asked.

"I'll be fine by myself. I need to finish editing then it needs to be uploaded so I'll be busy." I said getting up from my chair to stretch.

"I'm not going!" Harry shouted from somewhere in the house.

"Well Harry's home Call me of you need anything." Josh said closing my door. Great Harry's home. I sat back down and started editing again.

~Time skip to finishing rendering the video~

"DONE!! Now lets have the video upload time for..." I exclaimed, shoot its 3 in the morning. I hope I didn't wake anyone up.

I quietly walked outside and down the stairs, I looked out the window and the cars weren't in the driveway. I walked back upstairs and noticed a light coming from under Harry's bedroom door.

I tried as quietly as possible to walk past it without him noticing I was so close but sadly failed.

He opened the door right as I got past his door. I turned around and he was only in his pajama pants. I mean ONLY his pajama pants.

Jesus why does he have to be so attractive?

"Sorry." I say walking away but Harry grabbed me before I could get away. He pulled me into his bedroom and quickly shut and locked the door.

"Wh-" I started to say but Harry covered my mouth.

"Don't say anything, I'll explain." Harry whispered.

I nodded my head and he uncovered my mouth.

"What's going on?" I whispered.

"When you went downstairs was Simons door closed?" Harry asked whispering.

"Yeah, what does that have to do with anything?" I whispered feeling a bit annoyed.

"I didn't open his door and neither did you." Harry whispered walking towards the light switch and flicked it off. His computer monitor provided little light, enough for us to see what we were doing.

I sat on Harry's bed and he sat at his computer desk. The door handle started giggling and I opened my mouth to scream but Harry ran over and covered my mouth. I turned into his chest and it muffled my cries.

"It's okay." Harry whispered into my ear. I looked up at him and he was looking down at me. Harry let go of me and put his hands on my cheeks, he wiped the tears from under my eyes and put a strand of hair behind my ear. I scanned Harry's face, looking at all the featured on his face. His perfectly colored eyes, flawless face, sharp jawline, whiter than white teeth.

Harry started leaning in to kiss me when we heard the front door slam.

"Shhhhhh, don't be to loud we don't wanna wake Hope and Harry up." JJ failed to whisper.

I moved away from Harry and started walking towards the door to leave. I grabbed the door handle but I didn't turn the handle. I stood there and looked down.

I felt Harry come close to me. He wrapped his hands around my waist and turned me around. He kept one hand on my waist and the other hand on my cheek. He pulled my face to his and our lips meet. One kiss. Two kisses. Three kisses.

We moved away from each other and I left his room. I felt a cold breeze from the window at the end of the hall.

Thank god the person left.

Word Count: 752

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