Chapter 15

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As Izzy came walking back into the room I noticed a smile on her face, like it was a overly happy smile. She looked up at me and handed me my phone.

"What happened to you?" I asked typing in the password to my phone.

"My boyfriend came by to see me. He's gone now. We both work odd hours and we never get to see each other and it was just really nice." Izzy said sitting down on the bed.

"What's his name?" I asked trying to make quick conversation.

"Simon Minter." Izzy blushed looking down at her hands.

"Wait. Dirty blonde hair? Brown eyes? Tall?" I asked a but shocked.

"Yeah why?" Izzy asked laughing a bit.

"I live with him." I replied laughing. I looked back down at my phone and texted Cal.

"You want me to leave?" Izzy asked.

"If you want to. I don't care." I replied smiling at her.

"I'll come check on you later." Izzy said getting up and leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

Hope- Hey
Cal- OMG HEY!! I heard about what happened. I'm sorry I haven't come to visit while you were awake. How are you feeling?

Hope- There going to go run some more tests for my heart. I'm feeling pretty bad at the moment but yeah.
Cal- I'll come see you soon. Promise.
Hope- Could you come now? Just you?
Cal- Umm sure. I'll be there at around 8PM.(I'm not good with timezones so I'm just doing it in EST)
Hope- What time is it?
Cal- Really? You are on your phone Hope.

Hope- Yes. Really Calfridge
Cal- It's 7:40PM
Hope- Oh lol okay
Cal- I'll see you then.

~Callum's Arrival at 8PM~

As I watched Callum walk in my heart filled with butterflies.

"Hey sweetheart!" Callum joyfully said shutting the door and walking over to my bed with open arms.

"Callum!" I smiled taking his hug.

"So why did you want me to come?" Callum asked giving me his smile. You know the one that melts your heart every time you see it?

"I already saw everyone else, so yeah." I laughed a bit.

I don't know when but I fell asleep.

"I didn't want to wake them Simon. Her heart was getting better and the tests we took since he came here have been great." I heard Izzy defend me.

"You're lucky I came and not Josh." Simon complained.

I slowly sat up and stretched.

"Hey honey, you are going to go home today." Izzy said rushing over to my side. I looked at her and smiled. I looked over at Simon and noticed Callum was standing next to him. He didn't leave... he didn't leave when I fell asleep.

"Can I leave now?" I asked Izzy.

"I don't see why not. Here are your clothes." Izzy said putting my outfit from yesterday onto my bed.

"Well be outside waiting for you." Simon said as him and Callum left. Once Simon shut the door Izzy looked at me and smiled.

"Cal is a really great guy, he is good for you. Don't let him go." Izzy said leaving the room.

I changed and we left.

I looked over at Callum and noticed he was quite close to me. Like closer than he should have been. But I didn't mind.

"I'll take her home." Callum offered.

"Okay." Simon didn't oblige. I watched Simon get in his car and drive off. As Callum and I got into his car I texted Josh that I was discharged and Callum was bringing me home later.

When we pulled up into the parking lot of his flat I started getting nervous.

"Don't worry," Callum put his hand on my hand, "Harold is in Guernsey. Him and his girlfriend have a lot to talk about." Callum smiled at me.

I feel safe with Callum, I feel like he actually cares about me, I feel like he's a keeper. Maybe Izzy is right. I look over at Callum and he's already looking at be with those big blue eyes that just melt my heart.

Word Count: 685

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