Chapter 23

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Waking up the next day I was up before Cal so I quietly got outta bed and left his room. I took out a sheet of paper and left him a note:

"Going out, call when you wake -Hope xoxo"

I exited Cal's flat and made my way into the elevator. I took out my phone and checked the time and it was 8:19 in the morning. I texted Simon.

Hope- Hey Simon wanna got into town?

Simon- Sure. Where you at?

Hope- Outside Cal's place.

Simon- I'll be there in like ten

Hope- okay

A few minutes passed and I saw Simon's red range rover pull into the parking lot. I smiled and got into his car. Buckling my seatbelt Simon drove off.

~Arriving in town~

"Where we gonna go first?" Simon asked parking his car.

"The drug store one hundred percent. Then we can just look around town after." I smiled hiding the fact that I needed someone who could keep a secret to go shopping with me.

"I'll be out in a minute." I smiled walking into the drug store. I bought the pregnancy test along with other items to hide the text.

I exited the store and put my bag into Simons trunk. We started walking around town went into this clothing store.

"You need more clothes?" Simon asked as I pulled him into the store.

"I'll donating a bunch of my old clothes that don't fit me anymore to charity. So yes I need more clothes." I laughed.

"What size, I'll look too." Simon asked.

"Medium sweaters, small shirts and pants." I answered walking into some random part of the store. I picked out a few items as did Simon and we met at the changing room.

"Did you grab enough clothes Simon?" I started laughing as he handed me the clothes.

"I don't think I did." Simon started laughing.

~Half an hour after trying the clothes on~

"Is this the last thing?" Simon asked.

"Yes." I said opening the door to exit the changing room.

The last outfit was a pink crop top with a short white shirk. I walked out and showed the outfit off to Simon.

"You look amazing." Simon said looking up from his phone.

"Yeah." I said looking at myself in the mirror.

I changed back into the clothes I was wearing before and bought the outfits I liked. Walking back to Simon's car he saw a receipt fall out of my purse.

"Hey Hope, you dropped this.." Simon said looking at a receipt.


"Please don't say anything Simon." I begged Simon.

"Does Cal know?" Simon asked.

"Um." I replied.

"Does Cal know that you might be pregnant?" Simon asked again

"No but please don't tell him or Josh. I wanna make sure I before I say anything. Can you wait like a week? That will make it a little over a week." I asked Simon putting the bag into his trunk.

"Fine." Simon reluctantly answered, "Josh is going to be home in about a week. So you better have your mind made up if you want to keep that baby or not. If you are pregnant." Simon added.

"Should I?" I asked Simon for his opinion.

"I would personally. But if you do chose to keep this baby, know that it will be raised by people who will love it unconditionally. Okay?" Simon gave his opinion as he drove off.

"Thanks." I said looking out the window watching the buildings go past.

Word Count: 592

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