Chapter 11

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~The next day after recording a football video~

"And-" I was cut off by Harry kissing me. I quickly pushed away and ran up to my camera and turned it off. I turned to face everyone and they all were staring at me.

"What?" I asked turning back around to take my camera off the tripod.

"You didn't tell us you were with Hope, Harold." Cal said to Harry looking angry.

"We aren't." Harry answered Cal

"Then you wouldn't mind if I took Hope out on a date. Would you?" Cal asked Harry.

"No I wouldn't." Harry quickly answered Cal.

"Fuck you then Harry!" I exclaimed running to Josh's car. I got into the car and waited for Josh. A few minutes passed and Josh got into the car.

"Are you okay?" Josh asked starting the car.

"I'll be fine. Harry's lose." I answered feeling the need to burst into tears.

"So Cal. He's a good guy." Josh tried lightening the mood.

"He's a pretty good guy. Is he gonna be a dick too?" I asked Josh laughing a bit.

"No. He's actually nice like he is in his videos." Josh replied backing up the car.

*What happened after Hope ran away in Josh's point of view*

"Fuck you then Harry!" Hope exclaimed running to my car, I unlocked it for her and she got in.

"What the hell Harry!" Simon exclaimed at Harry.

"What am I supposed to say!" Harry screamed back at Simon.

"She has been beating herself up because you!" Simon screamed at Harry.

"And she's called herself a slut because you were fucking stupid and kissed her after the match!" Simon added.

"I'm sorry." Harry tried apologizing.

"No Harry, sorry won't cut it. You best hope Katie doesn't find out about this." I said grabbing my stuff and Hope's shoes.

"She won't. I saw the camera wasn't recording." Harry tried explaining himself.

"That's not the point!" JJ screamed at Harry.


"Don't touch my daughter. Don't go near her. Don't even think of her." I told Harry starting to walk away.

"Do I have the okay from Daddy Zerk?" Cal asked trying to lighten the mood.

"You don't have a girlfriend so I guess you do." I answered walking to my car.

"Are you okay?" I asked starting the car.

"I'll be fine. Harry's lose." Hope answered smiling a bit.

"So Cal. He's a good guy." I tried lightening the mood.

"He's a pretty good guy. Is he gonna be a dick too?" Hope asked laughing a bit.

"No. He's actually nice like he is in his videos." I replied backing up the car.

She is such a sweet and good girl. She just needs to like someone who will treat her like a princess.

~Time skip to back home and back to Hope's point of view~

I grabbed my sneakers and bag and went straight up into my room. I changed into a pair of black leggings and the pink "Wezzy" shirt (base of shirt is white and text is Pink) that Cal gave me at the match for my birthday. I brushed out my hair and put it into two braids.

"Father Zerk! Can we go to the pier?" I exclaimed out my bedroom door because it was just the two of us home.

"Why?" He asked coming out of his bedroom.

"I want to go take pictures there and I know you'll take good pictures, not shitty ones, of me." I said laughing.

"Let me change and I'll be ready to go." He answered closing his door. I quickly changed my cameras battery and put on some mascara.

"Ready?" Josh asked walking into my room.

"Yeah." I said handing him my camera.

"Who got you this?" Josh asked turning it on.

"You did." I replied looking up at him tying my shoe. He took a picture and then showed it to me.

"You make tying shoes fabulous." I looked at the camera in amazement.

"Now let's go." He said walking out of my room. I grabbed my phone and glasses. Them we drove off. It was so nice to do something, just Josh and I.

He kept talking about Cal though. I'll have to set up something with him soon that involves nothing even close to sexual interactions.

Word Count: 715

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