Chapter 13

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Arriving home, I went straight up into my room and plugged my camera into my computer. I download all the pictures into my computer then onto my phone. I reset my lock screen to a picture of Callum and I shaking hands before the match started and I reset my home screen to the picture of Nick and I.

Since I was on my phone I texted Kyle and posted a few of the photos that I took with the boys today.

Caption for the group picture with the boys: "Meet some awesome fans today on Brighton Pier! Thanks for the ball, I'll be sure to treat it with care"

Caption for Nick and I picture: "Youngest fan I've ever meet (6 years old), his name is Nick and I love him so much!!! Hope to meet you again soon Nick!"

Hope- Hey! Sorry I haven't texted you in a few days. I've been busy.
Kyle- It's okay, I have been also, were moving house. I haven't been online much. Fill me in!!

Hope- I recorded a football video with the Sidemen plus the Cals who helped with recording.
Kyle- Cute
Hope- I met some fans earlier I'll send you some pictures.
Hope sent two photo attachments
Kyle- Cute
Hope- And I may or may not have made the final goal at the SDMN vs YTAS
Kyle- Wait. Really?!
Hope- No, I'm lying to you Kyle

Kyle- Wow you got me excited

Hope- KYLE!

Kyle- What?
Hope- You really think I'm lying to you?

Kyle- Nooooo......
Hope- Wow, shows how much you trust me!
Kyle- Love you H

ope- Yeah, yeah I known you do

Kyle- WOW!!

Hope- I have to go edit a video. umm skype so I don't have to be lonely while editing?
Kyle- Yes!!! Let's go.

~Time skip to after editing~

"What time is it?" I asked Kyle starting to upload the video.

"What time did we start?" Kyle asked as I looked at the skype timer.

"8 hours, Jesus. It's two in the morning for me. What about you?" I asked starting to laugh.

"9, wanna talk tomorrow? If your not busy." Kyle asked as I started tearing up. I didn't tell him about what Harry did today and how it was all recorded and I cut it out.

"Yeah." I sniffled a bit.

"What's wrong?" Kyle asked.

"I'll send you the video file." I said sending the file to Kyle.

We've never used facecam because we never though it was really needed, he already knows what I look like so this surprised me. He turned on his facecam. I didn't know what to say.

"How dare he?!" Kyle screamed throwing his keyboard off his desk.

"Kyle, I'm fine." I tied claiming him down but to no avail.

"No! It's not okay, and I know you aren't okay." Kyle said getting a bit close to the camera. I saw his beautiful brown eyes, his brown hair that just fell in front of his eyes, he has such pale skin, and a cute little button nose.

"Kyle- damn it."

•Kyle has ended the Skype call•

I let the video upload and once that was done I went to bed.

~The next day~

"GET OUT!" I heard someone scream from downstairs. I jumped outta bed, threw on a large T-shirt on and ran to look who it was.

"FINE! THEN IM OUT OF THE GROUP TOO!" I heard the door slam as I looked down the balcony.

"Cal?" I looked down at him.

"I'm sorry for what's happened Hope." Cal said walking out the door.

"Josh?" I asked in a panic running down the stairs, not watching my footing.

"Hope, slow down!" Josh exclaimed.

"What's going on?" I asked looking out the window to see Cal and Harry in the drive way talking, well more like screaming.

"Harry's leaving the Sidemen." Josh said walking back into the kitchen.

"What?! That's crazy!" I exclaimed opening the door. It was pouring rain.

"Get back here!" Josh exclaimed as I ran outside. I stopped in my tracks.

Do I go and try to fix this? Do I go back inside and stay out of it? Do I help Harry? Do I help myself?

All of these questions were spinning in my head. I started walking and I slipped. It all went black.

Word Count: 723

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