Chapter 22

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After my shower I put some clothes on and as I was drying my hair I realized I needed a brush. I started looking under the bathroom sink when I heard the door open. I jotted back up and saw it was Lux.

"Hey Hope." Lux said a bit awkwardly.

"I was looking for a brush, sorry. I'll go." I tried making the conversation not as awkward as it had to be.

"Did you stay the night?" Lux asked closing the bathroom door.

"Yeah, why?" I asked really scared that he had come home last night and heard Cal and I.

"I was just wondering. I'll be going to stay with Sarah and her family the next few days so I'll put new sheets on my bed for you." Lux said opening the door so I could exit the bathroom.

"Thanks." I said walking out.

I walked into the living room and searched through my backpack for a brush. I eventually found one and I started brushing out my hair. I walked over to the big window across from the front door and enjoyed the view. Once I finished brushing my hair I put it back in my backpack. I grabbed my camera and tripod and sat on the couch.

"I'm gonna make a video so please be quiet." I said loud enough for the boys to hear me.

I turned my camera on and started recording.

"Hey guys! It's Hope here and I am going to be staying with the Cal's for a little while. But I though I'd do an OOTD, outfit of the day, video for you all because I haven't posted one of these in a while." I picked up my camera and moved it around so the window view was behind me.

"So to start off with I'm wearing my black Nike slides with my ankle bracelet that I made back in 2014. Next are my shorts, they are just basic black shorts from Old Navy. Finally my top, I'm wearing a Liverpool jersey that I got from, Cal who got it from... Umm. Cal can you come here!" I called for Cal to come.

"What?" He asked coming into the living room.

"Where did you get this shirt?" I asked laughing a bit.

"I got that shirt like 4 or 5 years ago from my mum when I was like 16. It was huge on me and it was my first ever jersey." Cal said sitting on the couch behind the tripod.

"Okay so that's where this shirt came from," I stared laughing a bit looking at the camera, "and finally my jewelry. I have on my pinky ring that I got for my tenth birthday. I have my middle finger ring that has my logo on it that one of you guys made and finally I have my baby neckless. So yeah. I hope you all enjoyed this video. You all know what to do so, see ya!" I got up and turned off my camera.

I looked over at Cal who was checking me out, not even trying to hise the fact that he was. I chuckled and put my camera into my bag. I grabbed my backpack and put it in Lux room. I'm gonna try to sleep in there tonight.

"By guys!" I heard Lux call out to Cal and I. I walked out of Lux's room and joined Cal in the living room. Cal watched some really boring movies while I went on Instagram and scrolled through my feed with the occasional stalking of my fans fan accounts.

I drifted off to sleep at around 5 in the afternoon. Only reason I know was because I looked over at the clock and that was the last thing I saw. I woke up to see I was in Cals bed. I turned over and saw he was editing a video. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. 8:29PM.

I stretched a bit and sat up. Cal had his headphones in and didn't notice that I woke up. I started recoding on my phone and I slowly crept up to Cal. I scared him and he jumped. He took out his ear buds and turned around to face me. He jumped forward and tackled me. I dropped my phone and somehow it got in the perfect position where you could see Cal pinning me down onto his bed.

I looked up at his perfect blue eyes. I could stare into those eyes forever. So perfect. I smiled up at him and he smiled down at me. He grabbed my phone turned it off and then turned off his computer. He placed my phone on his desk and turned back around to face me.

He then laid next to me and held my hand. I snuggled up next to him and he pulled the blanket over the two of us. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt so safe. No one could hurt me as long as I was with Cal.

What even are we? Are we FWB? Are we boyfriend and girlfriend? Should confront him about the fact we didn't use?

Word Count: 864

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