Chapter 14

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~Waking up~

"Hey Hope. How are you?" A very attractive doctor asked me walking into my room.

I was a but scared so I didn't say anything.

"Don't worry, your family is in the waiting room. Would you like to see them?" The doctor asked looking through my charts.

"What's your name?" I asked looking at him.

"I'm Doctor Shepard, now your father is waiting to see you. Can I let him in?" Doctor Shepard ran his hand through his thick black hair.

"Could I see all of the men who are here to see me?" I asked sitting up a bit.

"Of Course. Stevens, sit with Hope please." Doctor Shepard said walking out of the room.

"Hey Hope, how are you." Stevens asked sitting down on a chair in my room.

"Pretty good, what's your name?" I asked smiling.

"I'm, Izzy." She smiled.

"Is it bad?" I asked sitting up straight.

"Doctor Shepard will fill you in on everything." Izzy said as her smile slowly went away.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked as Doctor Shepard and the rest of the guys walked in.

"Oh thank god, you're okay Hope." Josh said running over to me.

"Izzy?" I asked noticing Izzy leaving.

"Yes?" She asked turning around.

"Stay? I'm the only girl outta these groups of guys." I said laughing a bit. It kinda hurt.

"Of course." She replied walking back over next to my bed.

"So, what's wrong with her? I though it was just a simple fall." Ethan asked walking over to my bed.

"There was a tear in the back of your head. We stitched it up but we want to do an MRI to make sure it was just a simple tear." Doctor Shepard said smiling at everyone.

"Are these your fathers?" Izzy whispered to me.

"Josh is, the rest of them are family friends." I whispered back.

I had the MRI that afternoon and I fell asleep. A few hours later I woke up and Izzy was sitting next to me.

"Hey Hope. How ya feeling?" Izzy asked taking my hand.

"My head hurts." I said sitting up again.

"I paged Doctor Shepard, he will tell you what needs to happen next." Izzy smiled at me.

"You tell me. Please." I begged Izzy.

"Your brain is fine. But there were some slight inormalities in your heart but it's nothing to worry about. Were gonna run you through some more tests." Izzy said smiling at me. I looked over at the door and Doctor Shepard was standing there. Izzy shot straight up and looked very scared. He gave her the look like don't worry.

"Does Josh know about this? I mean dad." I asked looking worried.

"All of your father's friends and he left because of work. But I'll call him if you want me to." Doctor Shepard offered.

"No, no. It can wait." I smiled at him.

"Call me if she needs anything." Doctor Shepard told Izzy.

"What's his name?" I asked.

"Derek. But my friends and I call him Mc Dreamy." Izzy laughed a bit.

"Why aren't you checking in your other patients?" I asked sitting up.

"I was put onto your case becaue I got in trouble so yeah." Izzy looked down at her hands.

"Did a man named Callum Airey come visit?" I hopefully asked Izzy.

"Yeah I believe so, why?" Izzy asked.

"No reason, can I have my phone please? I want to make a phone call to someone." I asked hoping she would say yes.

"Of course." Izzy said walking out of my room.

All I can think about is Cal. Callum Airey...

Word Count: 604

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