Chapter 18

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"Can you shut the fuck up please? It's fucking 2 in the morning!!" I screamed at the four boys.

"Chill out girl." JJ started laughing.

"No! This is the fifth time this week!! You need to stop or I'll go stay at my mates until Josh gets back." I tried knocking some sense into them.

"Go stay at your mates, no one fucking wants you here. Don't get dressed by the way, maybe they'll keep you looking like that." The man who I absolutely hate spoke.

"Fuck you Harold, I'm leaving, I'll see you guys when Josh gets back." I said starting to leave the kitchen.

"You mean your sugar daddy?" Harold snickered.

That was like a shot to the heart. I ran up into my room and grabbed a bag. I shoved a few t-shirts, pants, underwear, phone, and charger into the bag. I threw on my oversized burgundy sidemen sweatshirt over my t-shirt, I grabbed my glasses and walked out of my room.

I texted Callum hoping he would be awake.

Hope- Callum, you awake?

allum- First of all, don't call me Callum. You can call me Freezy or Cal. No Callum. Second of all, what's up?
Hope- Okay Cal. Can you come pick me up from the house? And can I stay at yours for a few days?
Cal- Um. Sure. Everything okay?
Hope- Thank you. I'll explain later.
Cal- Alright, on the way.

A few minutes later I saw Cal pulling up. I ran outside, hopped in and he drove off. I explained what had happened and my story lasted the whole car trip so that was good. No awkward silence.

"That's messed up. Stay as long as you like Hope. It's not an issue." Cal said as we walked into the elevator.

"Thank you Cal." I said blushing.

Cal noticed me blushing as the elevator doors shut. I walked over the the wall put my bag on the floor and leaned back. I took out my phone and texted Vikk.

Hope- I'm staying at Cal's flat until Josh gets back, ask the fuck up why I'm not home.

I looked up and Cal was very close to me. I could see each individual hair on his face. He hasn't shaved in a day or two.

"You look very fine Hope." Cal said putting his hands on my waist and pulling me closer to him. The space between our bodied closed.

"I'm not in the mood Cal." I tried hinting at him.

"Maybe this will make you fell better" Cal started leaning in to kiss me. I moved up and right before our lips met the elevator doors opened.

I looked and there was a lady standing there she was looking down at her phone, I pointed and Cal just stood next to me.

Thank god

One more floor. Come on. I felt Cals hand slide around my waist when I realized I forgot to wear pants.

When the elevator got to Cals floor I grabbed my bag and we walked to his flat. As he put the key into the door I got a bad feeling.

I walked in, took my shoes off put my bag on the floor and walked into the flat some more. I leaned back on the kitchen counter and looked through my phone when I was interrupted by a wild Cal taking my phone and putting it onto the counter.

"Cal I was doing something." I wined to Cal as he pulled me close to him.

"Do you want to continue what you were doing?" Cal asked pulling me even closer.

I sighed at his question. I don't know what I want.

Word Count: 614

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