Chapter 5

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Shawn and I must've had the same idea because we both pulled our cell phones out at the same time, but there was no service.

"Of course there's no service. Unless the cell tower is right on us, the solid metal blocks out the cell towers," I said out loud, but more to myself.

"Can I ask you what your name is?" Shawn asked me.

"Alyssa Thompson."

"Well Alyssa, I take it you're not from Charlotte since you're staying in a hotel?"

"I live in Spartanburg." I'm not sure why it matters to him. I guess he's just making conversation to pass the time. I'll enlighten him. I'm not a shrewd person.

"Do you like it there?"

I nodded. "Yeah, it's okay."

"Just okay?"

"It's just that I've lived there all of my life so I would like to one day get out, I'd like to see other parts of the world."

"Any particular place?"

I thought for a moment as I noticed that Blake looked bored out of his mind, but Diesel seemed content. I assume patience is something he has been accustomed to with his current position.

"I would love to go to college in Florida," I finally answered.

"That's it. You just want to see Florida," he asked with an amused expression.

The way he said it made me agitated. "No, I would like to visit Ireland too."

His eyes softened. "I'd like to visit Ireland also. I hear it's beautiful and serene."

I wasn't expecting him to use those words to describe something. I don't know many guys who use words like serene. Except maybe Jeffrey, my best guy friend from school. He knows how to express himself, and it's one of the things I like about him besides the fact that he makes me laugh...a lot.

"What the hell is taking so long?" Blake asked out loud, breaking me from my dreamy thoughts of Jeffrey. He stepped over to push the red button and didn't waste anytime before speaking. "How much longer do we have to wait for maintenance? Mr. Mendes is already late for his interview," Blake spat into the speaker.

"Hold on a moment, I'll check," the same male voice, answered.

I tried my best not to stare at Shawn, but he could be a male runway model in his simple long sleeved green shirt, dark jeans, and denim jacket. I know that's not normal attire for the runway, but he could totally pull it off and make it seem like the newest popular trend.

"So what kind of music do you like Alyssa?" Shawn asked me randomly. I hope he didn't notice me ogling him.

"I like a variety, but I mostly listen to 80's rock and some country."

"Really? I grew up listening to country music. In fact, one of my first albums was Shania Twain. Do you like Shania?"

I hoped my expression didn't mirror my surprise. "Um yeah, I like a few of her songs." He has got to be jerking my naïve chain.

"I knew I pegged you for a girl with good taste," he smiled. His comment made my cheeks heat up, and I pray he didn't notice. I can't imagine him giving me the time of day much less pegging me for anything.

"Hello," the male voice said from the intercom. He paused for us to answer as if we were no longer in the elevator. Where were we supposed to go for goodness sake?

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