Chapter 19

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The next twenty-four or so hours went by in a blur, and before I knew it - it was time to start my job as a Pizza hut waitress. 

Wendy put me shadowing a girl named Molly. I'm not usually quick to judge, but there is only one real word to describe Molly, she's a witch with a capital B. She was rude to her other co-workers, she was rude to me, and I couldn't believe how she acted toward the customers. I'm surprised she got any tips at all. 

For my fifteen minute break I went out back to get some fresh air. I was only outside for a couple of minutes when Jeffrey pulled up in his car. He got out and immediately smiled at me. "Hey, how's it going so far?" He asked.

"Not bad. I think I'm catching on already."

"I guess the real question is, how's Molly treating you?"

"She's a piece of work, but nothing I can't handle," I answered with a smirk.

"If she gets too much to handle, don't hesitate to tell Wendy."

I shook my head. "I'm not going to tattle on my first night. Besides, like I said, I can handle Molly."

"Understood!" He walked over to stand beside me, and mimicked me by leaning onto the brick of the building. "So, do you have a date for prom yet?"

"I'm not sure yet."

"What do you mean, you're not sure yet?" He chuckled lightly.

"It's complicated."

"Does it have anything to do with a famous singer?"

I wasn't sure I wanted this conversation to continue, but I answered him anyway. "Yes."

"What's complicated about it? Either he asked you or he didn't."

I knew he would scrutinize the situation, it's what he does. I turned my head and looked into his blue eyes. It was already dusk outside, but I could still see the color of his beautiful eyes. He studied me, and his intense stare made my knees turn to mush. Why am I talking about this with him? I asked myself. Too late now.

"He didn't ask, but he's hinted about it. He even told me to ask off for that night during my interview," I finally answered. 

"What a dumb ass!" He muttered. I'm not sure if he was talking to me or to himself.

I glanced at my watch. "Well, breaks over," I said before turning and walking back inside the restaurant. 

"There you are," Molly stated toward me. "We just had an eight top come in. I need you to help me get their drinks."

"Okay, what do we have."

She laid the list down on the counter so I could see it. I pulled out eight glasses, and began filling them with ice.

"So, do you and Jeffrey have something going on?" Molly asked bluntly.

I shook my head. "No, we're just friends. Why?"

"Just curious. I mean, I see the way you look at each other. It just seems like more than friends to me."

I ignored her comment, and kept working on the drinks. Me and Jeffrey? Could that ever be possible?

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