Chapter 17

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Jennifer startled me on Wednesday morning when she suddenly came up behind me in the hallway. "Guess who just asked me to prom?" She practically yelled in my ear.

"Who?" I answered her question with a question.

"Michael Beckner," she answered, a sour expression on her face.

I snickered. "Look at the bright side Jen. At least you got asked."

"If I had to choose between Michael Beckner and not getting asked, then I choose not getting asked."

"Ah come on, he's not that bad," I stated.

"Not that bad? His hair looks as though it hasn't been washed in a week."

"Yeah, but he's a really nice guy.  If that's the only thing wrong with him, just ask him to wash it before the prom."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny."

"Hey guys," Britney yelled at us from her locker.

"Let's go see what she wants," Jennifer muttered under her breath.

We made our way to Britney's locker. Jeffrey was standing next to her. As we got closer, his blue eyes mingled with mine, making my heart skip a beat. "What's up?" I asked Britney, trying to pretend her boyfriend has no effect on me.

"I was just wondering if you two have dates for the prom yet," she asked us. "I mean, it is less than a month away."


"Well actually Jen just got an invitation this morning, but I haven't been asked," I answered.

Jennifer lightly elbowed me in the rib. We both knew exactly what was coming next.

Britney quickly put her sights on Jen. "Really? Who asked you?"

Jen shook her head. "No one important." I know Jen well enough to know she was hoping Britney would drop it after that. I'm sure she's angry with me for putting her on the spot with Britney. She has a right to be, I shouldn't have said anything. I regretted it the second it came out of my mouth.

I glanced at my cell phone. "Oh look at the time. We better get going Jen." I looked at Jeffrey who was now wearing a funny smirk on his face.

"See you guys later," Jen told them before we left the couple.

"Bye," Britney called out behind us.

My interview at Pizza Hut was scheduled for four-thirty, but I walked in the door at four-twenty. My mom says you should always be at least ten minutes early for a job interview.

"How many?" The hostess asked me with a bright smile.

"I'm here for an interview with the manager, with Wendy," I answered.

The hostess's smile immediately dropped. "She'll be with you in a moment, she's currently with someone else," the hostess replied.

I took a seat on one of the waiting benches, and then took in my surroundings. I watched as waitresses waited on customers who sat at their tables. I couldn't see every table in the restaurant, but I could see a few. The customers seemed nice and friendly as most of them smiled. I watched as waiters scrambled to get drinks for their customers behind the counter. Pizza cooks were making pizzas and pushing them into one end of the oven, while someone else would take them out of the other end and put them into boxes or on silver trays.

"Hey Alyssa," a familiar voice said, breaking me from my reverie. I looked up to see Jeffrey standing over me.

"Hey Jeffrey." I tried to look around him to see if Britney was nearby. "Are you here with Britney?"

"Um no, I'm actually here for an interview. Well, I was, I just got hired as a delivery driver."

"Congrats," I grinned.

"You here with someone?" He asked.

"Ms. Thompson?" A heavy-set lady with brown hair asked me, interrupting my conversation with Jeffrey.

I stood up from my seat. "Yes," I answered her with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Wendy. You can come with me."

I walked by Jeffrey in order to follow Wendy, and I gave him a smile as I passed. "Gotta go."

"Good luck," he said softly.

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