Chapter 2

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I have ten minutes before Jennifer and Savannah are supposed to pick me up. I check myself one last time in my mirror. I decided to wear my dark blue skinny jeans, but my size six waist isn't considered skinny by most standards, especially at my 5'2 height. It doesn't bother me much, I love myself just the way I am, curves and all. I decided to wear my lavender peasant top and let my sandy blonde hair hang loose over my shoulders. However, I did take the time to straighten it with my straightening iron, otherwise I have natural curls. I just wasn't feeling the curls tonight. I put on a little more eyeliner and mascara than usual, and the dark purple eyeshadow brings out my bright hazel eyes, which I inherited from my beautiful mother. 

I sighed heavily. I'm really not excited about going to this concert. I don't even like Shawn Mendes' style of music that much. I mostly listen to 80's hair bands like Def Leppard and Aerosmith, which I inherited from my father. Thanks to my Mimi, I also enjoy some country music. My heart aches a little at the memory of her. She passed away from cancer five years ago, and I miss her deeply.

I do one more quick check of my overnight bag. The Charlotte coliseum is an hour from our hometown, so Jennifer's parents got us a hotel room to stay the night after the concert. 

Suddenly a car horn honks in front of my tiny house. I grab my duffle bag and head for the front door. "Bye mom, see you sometime tomorrow," I yell through the house. I'm not sure where she's at. 

She walked from the kitchen and met me at the front door. "Bye honey, have fun. Oh, and check in once you get there," she reminded me. She always needs to know I made it to my destination safely. 

I roll my eyes. "Okay." I love that she cares, but it can get annoying at times. I rush out the door to see Jennifer and her dad, Bob, standing outside the large SUV with the hatch wide open in my driveway. 

"You sure you've got everything?" Jennifer asked. Sometimes she's more like my mother than best friend. 

"Yep," I answered while handing my bag to Bob with a smile. 

His arm drops down as if the bag weighed a hundred pounds. "Gosh girl, did you pack for a week? We're only staying overnight," he says playfully before placing my bag in the back and closing the hatch.

I just laugh at his comment as usual before hopping in the back seat with Savannah and Jennifer. "Hey Rhonda!" I say to Jennifer's mom who's sitting in the front passenger seat. 

"Hi sweetie. You ready to have a good time?" She asked.

"Yep," I said, forcing a smile. I may not have a good time at the concert, but I just about always have a good time with Jennifer and her parents. They're fun to be around, and they treat Savannah and I like their own.

I know most seventeen year olds don't usually have chaperones to a concert, but Bob is the reason we're getting to attend in the first place. He's old friends with a man who works at Shawn's record company. His name is Andy, I think. Bob doesn't get to see Andy much since Andy lives in Canada and Bob in South Carolina, and especially since they both have busy lives, and busy careers. Bob and Rhonda will be visiting with Andy, while Jennifer, Savannah, and I go our separate ways. 


We arrived at the venue an hour and ten minutes later, and only forty-five minutes before the concert is scheduled to begin. We rush to the area backstage where Bob planned to meet Andy. We have quick introductions and then Jennifer, Savannah, and I practically run to the VIP section to locate our seats. I quickly send my mom a short text to let her know we arrived safely before turning off my phone and placing it in my back pocket. 

For the next few minutes, I watch in sheer amusement as several giddy teenage girls giggle and clap annoyingly while waiting for Shawn to take the stage. Watching them may just be more entertaining than the concert itself. 

Finally the lights dim and thousands of girls scream to the top of their lungs. My ears ache and I feel like I'm stuck in a nightmare, and for the first time - I would hope I'm the first person to get the axe. The announcer makes a three minute dramatic introduction for Shawn until finally he appears on the stage. At first you can only make out his silhouette until a spotlight suddenly hits him. 

The next thing I know I'm standing, frozen in place with my mouth hanging open. 



About two hours later the concert is over. It wasn't  as bad as I expected. As soon as Shawn exited the stage, Jennifer and Savannah rush to backstage. I practically have to run to keep up with them. Okay, this running thing is getting old, I think to myself

After pushing and squeezing our way through hundreds of excited teenage girls, we finally make it to backstage where we meet up with Bob, Rhonda, and Andy again. Andy leads us all to a large lobby area where Shawn will be meeting and greeting everyone who was lucky enough to acquire a backstage pass. 

The lobby was as big as half of my house, but still seemed small with all of the bodies packed in like a can of sardines. It was decorated beautifully in mostly white, grey, and red colors. A twenty something skinny man with brown hair and glasses was directing everyone. He had us form a straight line, which was so long it ended out in the hallway. Although Shawn looked tired and worn out, he was still smiling and laughing with his fans. I can't help but respect him for being a good sport. 

The 'director' kept an eye on his watch. It seemed that he only gave each person or group about three minutes a piece to converse or take selfies with Shawn. While we're still waiting in line, I take my phone out of my back pocket and turn it back on. I notice that I have a text from my mom asking if I was at the hotel yet. I texted her back that we were just meeting with Shawn.

After waiting in line for about twenty minutes, it was finally our turn. Shawn gave us a big bright smile that made my hear flutter slightly. He's much more attractive in person, and much taller. 

"Hi ladies, did you enjoy the show?" He asked us. His voice isn't as deep as I imagined, but still sexy.

Jennifer is the first of us to speak. "It was awesome!" It was evident by her tone she was nervous. 

"Thanks. Do you have something you would like for me to autograph?" He asked. He seems more down to earth than I expected.

"No, but would you take a selfie with us?" Savannah asked him.

"Sure, gather around," he ordered nicely.

I started to move toward them as the 'director' backed into me causing me to drop my cell phone. I bent down to pick it up at the same time Shawn bent down and we bumped our heads together. Hard.

"Ow," I exclaimed, grabbing my head.

"I'm so sorry," he said just as his brown eyes met mine. We both froze in place, and for a moment - it was as if we were the only two people in the room. 

Copyright © 2016, R.J. Snow

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