Chapter 25

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Shawn dropped me off at school on his way to the airport. He wanted to get out of the car with me, and give me a 'proper goodbye,' but I asked him not to. I didn't want to cause a ruckus with the people I attend school with. I'm not ready to be in any spotlight, plus I'm not sure what it would do to our already delicate relationship.

We said our goodbyes inside the car, and then Daniel opened the door for me. I still got a lot of stares and whispers, but at least it wasn't an uproar.

Britney and Jeffrey approached me as I was walking toward the entrance of the school. "Alyssa, is Shawn in that car?" She asked. You can't keep anything from Britney Taylor.

"Maybe," I teased.

"Don't be hateful. He is, isn't he?" She replied, in her demanding tone.

I nodded. "Yeah, he's going to the airport to fly back out." I kept walking. I didn't feel like talking to Britney, even though I was on a love high from being with Shawn. I was also sad that he was leaving again.

She walked faster to keep up with me. "His serenade to you is all over the internet. That was so sweet. Is he coming back to go to prom with you?"

"I don't know yet," I spat. I then noticed Jeffrey was lingering way behind us.

"What do you mean you don't know yet? He's either coming or he isn't."

I was really annoyed now, and I stopped to look at her. "It doesn't matter, it's none of your business anyway," I stated, before heading for my locker again. This time she didn't follow me.

"What was that all about?" Savannah approached me at my locker.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"I heard you snap at Britney."

"Oh, she was getting on my nerves. She just can't mind her own business."

"And poor Jeffrey looks like he lost his best friend or something," Savannah replied.

An ache suddenly pierced my heart. He did look sad. It couldn't be because of me, could it? I thought. "He's probably just sick of putting up with Britney," I told her.

Savannah laughed. "I'm sure that has something to do with it. I've got to go, I'll see you later."

"Have you applied for any schools yet?" My guidance counselor, Mrs. Robbins, asked.

"Not any big ones. I thought I would start out at community college for two years first, since it's less expensive to transfer," I answered. I knew my parents couldn't afford the colleges I was interested in, even with the help of financial aide.

Mrs. Robbins had a solemn expression on her face. "I see. So you'll get your general studies out of the way."

"Yes, that's my plan."

"Do you still plan on majoring in the Veterinarian program?"

"Absolutely. I can't imagine myself doing anything else," I fibbed. I would really love to be a Marine Biologist, but I didn't want to remind her of that small detail.

"You know, Clemson University has an excellent Veterinarian program. Have you thought of going there?"

I shook my head. "No, not really," I lied again. Of course I've thought about Clemson, but I'm sure my parents can't afford to help me go there.

She clicked some keys on her computer before speaking again. "I emailed you a link. Check it out as soon as you get a chance," she demanded softly.

"Okay." I got up from my seat. "Thanks Mrs. Robbins," I told her before leaving her office. It saves you time to just tell Mrs. Robbins you'll do something versus arguing with her. She doesn't stand down easily.

I walked into Algebra class, and Jeffrey was already in his seat. "Hey Jeffrey," I greeted him.

"Hey," he said nonchalantly.

"Do you work tonight?" I asked.

"No," he answered.

I opened my Algebra book, trying to focus on something other than him. I just couldn't help myself, and I turned in my seat to look at him. He looked so sad, and yet he was still so beautiful. I wanted to wrap my arms around him and make, whatever was bothering him, okay again. He looked up from his notebook and our eyes met.

"Are you okay?" I finally asked him.

He put his elbows on his desk and raised himself up, bringing his face closer to mine. "Actually no I'm not, I think we need to talk in private."

Before either of us could respond, our Algebra teacher began talking.

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