Chapter 21

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Later that afternoon, my mom knocked on my bedroom door. "Come in," I told her softly. Once again I was alone in my room. Jennifer had left a few minutes ago, but only after I had stopped crying and finally ate something.

"Honey, Shawn is on the phone for you," she said, her expression concerned.

"Tell him I'm not here,  I've already left for work."

"Alyssa, I don't want to get into your personal business, but I think you should end your relationship over the phone instead of a text."

I had to take a deep breathe before I spoke again. I finally stopped crying, and I didn't want to start up again. "I agree mom, it's just that I can't talk to him right now. I'll try later. Tell him I'll call him back, if you want."

"Okay." She closed my bedroom door, and I could hear her speaking to Shawn as she walked away from my room, but I wasn't sure what she told him. At this point, I don't care.

A couple of hours later I was getting ready to walk out my front door to go to work, and a delivery man was carrying a box from his truck to my door.

He gave me a smile. "Hi, I have  a delivery for," he looked down at the box, "Alyssa Thompson."

"I'm Alyssa Thompson," I told him.

He handed me a tablet and a stylus. "Sign here please," he ordered nicely.

I quickly signed, handed the tablet back, and grabbed the box. I had about ten extra minutes in order to leave and get to work on time. I took the box into my room, set it on my bed, and looked at the label. The shipper was something called the Dress Network  out of New York.

My heart skipped a beat. No way!

I  tore open the box, and pulled out a green dress. I held it up to examine it more closely. It had a heart shaped bodice covered with bright silver sequins. The bottom was flowy chiffon fabric.

I glanced down into the box and noticed there was a chiffon wrap to match. I went to my closet and hung the dress on an empty hanger. I grabbed the wrap and when I pulled it out of the box I noticed a letter lying in the bottom. I quickly put the wrap on the hanger with the dress before grabbing the envelope, and opening it.

     Ms. Thompson,

     I hope you like the dress enough to wear it to your senior prom. You deserve to have a great time, and I don't want anything to ruin your, once in a lifetime, experience. It should be a most memorable night.

     I want you to remember, when you miss me, close your eyes. I may be far but never gone. When you fall asleep tonight, and every night, just remember that we lay under the same stars. Take a piece of my heart and make it all your own so while we are apart, you'll never be alone.

     Just know that I will do the same.




"Are you okay?" Jeffrey asked me at the soda fountain. I was making drinks for mine and Molly's table, while he was getting his own drink. One employee perk is that we get drinks for free.

"I'm fine," I fibbed. I gave him a half smile to try to hide my true feelings. I don't want to talk to Jeffrey about my drama with Shawn.

He watched me for a moment while I put soda into the four glasses. "If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you," he told me softly.

I gave him a nod, pretending to concentrate on making the drinks. "Okay."

He stared at me a few more seconds before walking back around the corner and heading toward the back of the kitchen.

I quickly let out the breathe I must have been holding.

On my break I checked my phone. I had eight texts from Shawn. The last one read:

Please call me. We need to talk about your last text.

I decided I would call him tomorrow after work. I have a short shift tomorrow from noon until four in the evening. That will give me more time to think, to try to calm my feelings, to decide what I need to say to him. I can't talk to him tonight, I need more time. I sent him a text just  to let him know.

I'll call you tomorrow after work. I get off at 4p.m. Goodnight!

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