Chapter 7

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Savannah gave me a hug goodbye. "Are you sure you'll be okay staying here by yourself?" She asked for the fifth time in twenty minutes.

"I'm sure. I'll be fine," I assured her again. "I'll see you at school Tuesday."

"I spoke to the clerk at the front desk and you have the room until seven," Bob told me.

I gave him a smile. "Thanks Bob, I appreciate it."

I glanced at Jennifer who was staring at the floor of the hotel room. She's barely said a word to me since Shawn left our room.

Rhonda was next to give me a hug. "Bye sweetie. Please be careful, okay?"

"I will, I promise," I told her.

"You guys can go to the car, I'll be right behind you," Jennifer finally spoke.

As soon as the three of them were out of earshot, I spoke first. "Are you mad at me?" I asked her softly.

She sighed. "No, I'm not mad at you. Maybe a little jealous, but not mad." She grinned. "Come here." She pulled me in for a hug. That's when I knew we'd be okay. We sometimes argue like sisters, but we've never stayed angry at each other for very long. We care for each other too much to let silly things come between us.

"It's not like I'll see him again after tonight. Who knows, he may change his mind and then call and cancel."

"Nah, I saw how he looked at you. He'll show," she told me. "Be sure to let me know as soon as you're safe at home tonight, and I expect to hear all of the juicy details on Monday."

I chuckled. "There probably won't be any juice to it, but I'll tell you everything."


By six forty-five I was so nervous, I thought I might vomit. I must have checked myself in the mirror twenty times in the last thirty minutes. I can't believe I'm wearing a blue cold-shoulder waffle knit top and a pair of jeans on a date with one of the most popular singers of today. I put on a little more makeup than usual, and curled my hair with a curling iron. Not that my hair needs the help of a curling iron, but the iron makes for bigger curls.

There was a knock at the door at six fifty-nine.

Wow, he's prompt.

I took a deep breath and slowly opened the hotel door. Shawn was standing in the hallway looking like something straight out of a magazine. Well, technically he is in some magazines, but he looked like a model as much as a celebrity. He was wearing a charcoal grey shirt that hugged his muscles and jeans that fit him perfectly.

He smiled. "You look lovely," he told me.

I decided to keep my negative comment, regarding myself, to myself. "Thank you," I simply replied instead.

He gestured to my bag sitting next to the door. "Is that your bag?"

"Oh yeah." I went to pick up my bag, but Shawn stopped me.

"No wait, I'll get that for you." He stepped inside the door, leaned over, and picked up my bag. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah." I held up my hotel key card. "I just need to drop off this at the front desk."

"Okay," he said gesturing for me to leave the room first. Once I was out in the hall, he closed the door behind us.

"Hi Diesel," I said to the gentle giant whom I'm beginning to become accustomed to.

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