Chapter 11

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I awoke on Thursday with the sun already peeking through my bedroom window. It was late February, but the birds were already beginning to sing cheerfully outside.

I had been preparing for Shawn's visit for the past seven days. I went shopping for new clothes, a pair of new shoes, and I finally got my hair cut and highlighted. Shawn texted me every night, except for the two nights he had called. He'll be flying in tomorrow afternoon, and I'm beside myself with excitement. I feel like I know him so well now. When I talked to him on the phone, I sometimes forgot that he's a famous celebrity. My conversation became more comfortable, almost as if I were speaking to Jeffrey.

Jeffrey seemed upset when he walked into Algebra class.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Britney and I had a fight this morning," he answered, frustration evident in his tone.

"Oh sorry." I didn't want to pry. I've known Jeffrey long enough to know that if he wanted me to know the details, he would tell me. And he didn't tell me.


On Friday evening, my dad dropped me off at Shawn's hotel around six p.m.

Shawn met me in the lobby, and he greeted me by gently kissing me on my cheek. "You look great. Have you done something different since I last saw you?" He asked.

"Thanks." I put my hand on my hair. "I just got a haircut." I was shocked that he even noticed.

I took him to my favorite pizza place for dinner, and I was happy that he was impressed with how good it was. During dinner, we had small talk and I listened as he told me about his journey to fame. Fortunately, only two young ladies interrupted us by asking for his autograph. Of course Shawn happily obliged. I guess this will be something I will need to get used to. Well, that is, if we see each other again after this weekend.

Afterwards, I took him out to the Glendale bridge so he could see the waterfall I told him about during one of our previous phone conversations. The sun was beginning to set in for the night, and the sky was ablaze with fiery oranges and pink hues, only disturbed by long trails of fluffy clouds. The air was starting to get more chilly, and it suddenly occurred to me that I didn't bring my jacket. I wrapped my arms around myself.

"Oh, you must be cold," Shawn said, as he took off his denim jacket and wrapped it around me. He let his arm linger around me longer than necessary, but I didn't mind.


He smiled. "Wow, this place is cool. Is this your favorite place to hangout?"

"No, I like it here, but it's not my favorite place."

"Will you show me your favorite place? I mean, if that's okay with you?" 

"Of course. I'll show you tomorrow," I told him.

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