Chapter 27

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On the way to school, on Tuesday, I wanted to ask my mom when she thought I would be able to get my own car, but I stopped myself. She and dad are still under financial stress with my dad being laid off from his job. My mind immediately switched to Shawn and Jeffrey. I didn't talk with Shawn last night, even though he's on a break for a month before a two month tour in Europe. He only sent a text telling me goodnight and sweet dreams. However, the only thing I have really thought about since yesterday evening was my conversation with Jeffrey. I was curious about who it is he says he cares about.

"I can't believe how warm it is already," mom said, breaking me from my thoughts.

"I know, but I'm really enjoying it."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I've just been pre-occupied lately."

"I thought you and Shawn worked things out?"

I gave her a reassuring smile. "We have."

I was chatting with Savannah and Jen at my locker when Britney came bouncing up to us. "Hey guys. Only eleven more days until prom."

"Twelve if you count today," Jen said, trying to ruin Britney's moment of cheerfulness. I know Britney can be annoying, but I'm not sure why Jen dislikes her so much.

"Anyway, have any of you found dates yet?"

I'm not even sure you have a date now, I thought to myself. A part of me, and I do mean a particle size part of me, wants Jeffrey to still go to prom with Britney. As annoying as she is, I don't want her heart to be broken.

"Alyssa may be the only one," Jen answered.

Britney's face lit up. "Shawn's coming after all? I would love for him to sing a couple of songs."

"Hold on. He hasn't said for sure he's going to go or not," I stated. I gave Jen an annoyed glance at the can of worms she opened with Britney.

"Well, why don't you ask him?" Britney asked.

"I don't want to put that pressure on him. It's going to be his decision alone."

"How will he know if you want him to go if you don't tell him?"

"She's got a point," Savannah replied on Britney's behalf.

I sighed. "I'll think about it." I really do want Shawn to go to prom with me, but I don't want to pressure him or make him feel bad if he can't make it. I understand that he has important obligations.

I felt a bit awkward and nervous when I saw Jeffrey sitting in Algebra class. "Hey Jeffrey," I greeted him.

"Hey Lyssa."

"Did you happen to figure out problem number six of our homework?" I asked, trying to avoid the elephant between us.

"Yeah." He pulled opened his notebook, located his homework, and handed it to me. My hand brushed his, sending a tingling sensation through me.

"Do you work tonight?" He asked.

"Yeah. Do you?" I compared his Algebra problem to mine. Of course I got it wrong, but I only missed two compared to Jeffrey and he makes straight A's in this class.


I handed his notebook back, and neither of us said another word until class was over. "I'll see you at work," he told me before exiting the classroom in a hurry.

Just like Algebra class, Jeffrey barely spoke to me at work. My shift ended at nine, and was headed toward my car around five minutes after.

"Alyssa." I stopped and turned at the sound of his sexy voice.

Jeffrey jogged to where I was, and he stood directly in front of me. His beautiful blue eyes bored into mine. "I need you. I mean, I was wondering if you would do me a favor."

"Sure. What do you need?"

"I was wondering if you could talk to Britney for me?"

"Oh. I really don't think that's a good idea. It would be best if you talked to her yourself. Plus, I really don't want to get involved."

His face dropped. "You're right. I need to do this on my own."

"Just remember you're not completely alone. If you need someone to talk to afterward, I'll be here for you."

He nodded. "Thank you."

Just then my curiosity clouded my clear judgement. "Who is it? Who do you care about now?"

"I can't - I can't tell you," he answered softly. "I've got to go back to work before Wendy realizes I'm gone." He quickly turned and walked back to the restaurant.

A few minutes after I got home, Shawn called and made everything else disappear. For an hour, at least.


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