Chapter 29

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"Oh my gosh Shawn, are you okay?" I asked him, tears began to burn my eyes.

Jeffrey gave me a wave, and walked back inside the house.

"I'm fine. There was some technical issues with the plane, and we had to make an emergency landing."

"I bet you were terrified."

"I was, but the pilots handled the situation amazingly."

"Thank God they did," I told him. I didn't even want to think about what could have happened.

Our conversation hadn't lasted long because Shawn had a lot of people visiting and calling, but I was just thankful he was okay. I only wish I could hug him tightly. 

I walked back inside, and only my parents, Jen, and Savannah were left in my living room. "The news is saying that there was a mechanical issue with the plane," Jen told me. "Is that what Shawn said?"

I nodded. "Yeah. The pilots had to make an emergency landing." I sniffed back more tears that were fighting to get out. 

Jen and Savannah gave me a hug, and we said our goodbyes for the night.

Just before I fell asleep, Shawn sent me a text telling me goodnight. I knew I could sleep better knowing that he was okay.

Friday's school day was a bit awkward. Except for Jen, Savannah, and Jeffrey, most everyone ignored me. A few people asked me how I was doing, while others treated me like glass.

In Algebra class Jeffrey told me that he was glad Shawn was okay. 

"Thanks," I smiled. "Was there something you wanted to talk about?"

"It can wait."

Suddenly I thought of Jeffrey and Heather, and a pang of jealousy struck me. "Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Sure." His expression looked worried. I guess I don't usually ask him personal questions.

"Are you and Heather talking now?"

His expression quickly changed to confusion. "Heather who?"

"Heather Lawson," I answered.

"No, we're just friends. We've known each other a long time, and she's been giving me some relationship advice."

For some reason, his words hurt my feelings. "Oh, so you don't think I can give you the best advice now, and so you have to talk to someone else," I snapped.

"That's not it at all."

I put my hand up to stop him from talking. "You don't have to explain. I understand that I don't have a lot of experience with relationships."

We didn't speak to each other the rest of the class period.


Molly was even being awkward toward me at work that evening. "Are you sure you're okay?" She asked for the third time in an hour.

"Yes. Shawn's fine, and I'm fine," I assured her. "Now I need to go wait on the table that just got seated."

I walked over to the booth in my section, which contained three guys about the age of nineteen or twenty. Two of them wore bright smiles on their faces as I approached them. "Well hey there cutie," the skinny dark haired guy said to me. I could smell alcohol on his breath, and it suddenly made me nauseous. 

"What can I get you all to drink?" I asked them, ignoring the skinny guy.

"I would like a tall drink of you," the skinny guy answered, slurring his words a bit.

"C'mon Mark, just tell her what you want to drink," the muscular blonde told him, clearly annoyed at his friends actions.

The skinny guy shot blonde guy an evil glance before looking back at me. "I'll take a water, cutie."

I finished taking their drink and food order, and was getting ready to turn and walk away when the ginger guy spoke to me. "Are you single?"

"No," I answered quickly before I walked away and made my way to the kitchen.

For the next thirty minutes I had to deal with the skinny guy and the ginger flirting and calling me cutie. I breathed a sigh of relief once the blonde muscular guy practically dragged them out of the restaurant.

After my shift ended, I was collecting my things from the break room when Jeffrey walked in from his last delivery. He had a solemn expression across his face. "Are you still mad at me?"

I chuckled lightly. "I was never mad at you. My feelings may have been hurt a little, but I was never mad."

"Can I explain then?"

I suddenly heard Molly's voice right outside the break room. "I don't want to talk about our personal lives in here. Besides, I've got to go." I started out the break room and he followed me.

"I'll walk you out then," he said as he followed me. 

"Jeffrey, I need to talk to you a minute," Molly told him.

"Wait on me Alyssa," Jeffrey called out to me.

"Okay, I'll be at my car, and I'm only waiting for five minutes." I walked out into the parking lot, and before I reached my car, two figures stepped out from the shadows. I suddenly felt sick when I noticed it was the skinny guy called Mark and his ginger friend.

"Well, hey again cutie," Mark said.

I tried to ignore him, and kept walking toward my car, but they took a few more steps, which put them between my car and I. I stopped in my tracks. I contemplated on either making a run for my car or running back to the restaurant. 

"How would you like to come party with me and my friend?" Mark asked.

"No thanks, I just want to go home."

"Ah come on, we can have a great  time," the ginger replied.

"HEY!" Jeffrey called out from behind me. "Are these guys bothering you?"

"Nah. I was just turning down their party invitation, and saying goodbye. Walk me to my car?"

"Sure," Jeffrey answered.

I waved goodbye to the two creepy guys, and walked with Jeffrey to my car. Although they didn't look happy, they didn't say or try to do anything. 

I leaned against my car and looked up at Jeffrey. There was a light glow from a nearby street light shining on his face, which made his blue eyes twinkle. His beauty made my knees go weak.

"Are you sure you're not mad at me?" He asked softly. He surprised me when he brushed a loose hair from my face.

"I promise."

He sighed heavily. "The reason I went to Heather for advice was..." He couldn't finish his statement, and I could see that he was clearly uncomfortable.

"Jeffrey, you don't have to..."

He suddenly put a finger to my lips to keep me from talking. "I was talking to her about you," he said.

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