Chapter 26

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Oh so now yall wanna comment since I said I was putting it on hold, lmao I love yall.

Chresanto August


We were in the car on our way to Roy's Resturant, I was so nervous. My palms were sweaty this was like prom all over again. I turned up the radio so it wouldnt be silent, Versace by Migos played. Yn loves this song, she knows every word. She blasted it and yelled the lyrics. I laughed when the song was over.

"Where we going ChressyBaby?" She asked.

I smiled, "You'll see beautiful."

We pulled up in the resturants' parking lot, I opened the car door for her and held her hand into the resturant. We got our table and got situated.

We was eating, talking, and having a good time. I havent proposed yet, I was just waiting for the right moment.

"So Chres, I named our lil girl Milan. Thats okay with you?" Yn said while drinking her pink lemonade.

I smiled and looked at her stomach, "Perfect." I said.

She signed, "No. I want us to pick the name not just me. What do you like?" She asked.

I shrugged, "Milan is good." I said.

She shook her head, "No we'll think of it later." She said changing the subject.

Yn looked over my shoulder and froze, her eyes widen and she gasped. I turned around too see what she was staring at, there was Chad sitting with another girl, like a date or something.

"Chad is really something else." Yn scoffed. She stood up, "How could he?"

I stood up too, "How could he what?" I asked.

"Have sex with me then be on a date with a random girl!" She yelled.

What? "Yn it shouldnt even matter babe, were together." I said getting a little irritated.

She signed, "I know but it hurts!" She yelled.

She walked towards them, "Really Chad? This is how you repay me?!?"

Thats when I got officially angry, she cant be mad right? Or jealous? Thats messed up, were on a date she cant be all over Chad!



I cant believe Chad, he had sex with me and didnt call me nor text me ; then goes on a date with some random girl?! That's wrong. I know Im on a date with Chres, but I hate Chad right now.

When I went too Chad's table, Chres followed me.

Chad stood up, "Yn arent you on a date with your babydaddy? Go be with him ; leave me alone." He said with a attitude.

"Yn will you marry me?!" Chres yelled. I turned towards Chres direction and saw him on one knee, with a beautiful yellow and silver diamond ring in a box. He was sweating, I smiled then thought ; I cant do this.

I signed, "Chresanto I cant do this."

He looked disappointed and hurt, he stood up. "Why not?" He asked.

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