Chapter 31

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One Year Later ;

Yn August

"Kai sit honey." I said making her breakfast. She was 8 months and a crawler, she learned how to crawl at 6 months and every since then she couldn't sit down.

"Kai mommy said sit." Ari said, she picked up Kai and sat her on the couch.

"Thank you Ari." I said.

Our life was good so far, we found a nice condo in Tampa and Bahja lives right next door with Craig and little Kamren. We live kind of hidden though, every since we caught Anthony ; Me, Lisa, and Craig have been famous. Im a wedding planner and Bahja works as a lawyer.

Chres came running down the stairs. "Goodmorning my 3 beautiful ladies." He said.

He picked up Ari in one hand and Kai in the other. He kissed both of them and put them down. He looked at me.

"Goodmorning to my lovely wife." He said kissing me deeply.

"Correction." I spoke. "Fiancé, it's been a year and were still not officially married!" I whined.

He chuckled. "Baby I got you okay? We're going to be official."

I made him a plate." When?"

He snatched it, "Soon."

I gave Ari her plate and sat Kai in a high chair and gave her her plate.

After we finished eating I got dressed royal blue tight dress and my gold jewelry. I put on my black heels and curled my all black hair ; yes I'm back natural. I took a picture and grabbed my keys.

"I'm off to work." I yelled. I kissed my babies and kissed Chres. "Be back at 5." I whispered.

He smiled. "We'll be over Craig's crib." He said putting Kai on her shoes. "Put on your shoes Ari." He instructed.

"Can Bella come?" Ari asked. He nodded yes. "Come on Bella!" She yelled & Bella came hopping down the stairs.

Bahja Rodriguez

I woke up to the sound of Kamren hollering. I groaned and got out of bed, Craig is no help. It's like I'm a single mother! I went in Kamren's room and picked him up. "Hey sugar." I said kissing his cheek.

I walked downstairs with him around my hip. Craig was laying on the couch and Chres was on his side. Ari and Kai was playing with Bella on the floor.

"Goodmorning baby." Craig smiled.

"Really? Craig did you know Kam was just upstairs crying his eyeballs out!" I yelled.

"Why?" Craig asked.

I walked towards him. "Oh I don't know maybe because he's fucking starving!" I hollered.

Chres jumped up. "Woah Bahj my kids are listening."

"We'll tell them to cover up their ears." I warned. "Craig I'm tired of feeling like a single parent! Am I the only one who cares for Kam?!" I asked. "Kam needs a male role model in his life and you know what ; Rayan gives him more attention than you!"

Craig was froze. He didn't know what to say, usually I don't yell at him but I'm just tired of doing things on my own.

"You don't have to reply Craig." I said. "Me and Kam are going to my moms and he will be with her while I'm a work."

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